Chapter 2

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It was because of their somewhat akward relationship that they both kept it a secret. But that got harder and harder as time went on. In more ways than one.

The most difficult part was whenever Shadow was somehow siding with Eggman, it made Sonic question their love even more. Their fights would be more reckless than ever. Causing one or both hedgehogs to bleed.

"Look you blue nuisance. I don't have time to deal with this right now. Why don't you just go home and forget this."

"Forget this, huh? Well, I guess you need a little reminder on why the good guys always win."

Sonic was prepared to give Shadow a good spindash to the chest. But a metal claw wrapped around his torso and caught the speedy hero in his tracks.

"Wha- What the-?" A force of electric energy surged through his body. He let out a pained roar. The electricity ceased after the blue hero passed out from the exertion.

A familiar voice's snarky laugh boomed annoyingly through the room. "Finally! That blasted rodent is finally quiet."

The ebony was suprised at the level the doctor took to shut him up, but he didn't dare speak a word. The machines claws unclenched, leaving Sonic to fall to the floor. "Shadow, be a helpful little thing and put him in the cellar for me. I've got to attend to my plans for the time being. I'll deal with him later.

Shadow walked calmly over to the fallen being as the doctor turned in his mech-suit and proceeded to leave. He slung Sonic over his shoulder and chaos controlled them to the holding center of Eggman's base. They were both in a caged room, he gently laid his cargo onto the cot in the cell. He then planted a kiss on his forehead. "Sorry, Blue. I'll be back for you later."

Shadow exited the cell and locked the door. He then calmly walked over to the pillar near the door of the cellar entrance. He put in a code for the cell Sonic was held in, a purple wall of energy encased the little prison. The black hedgehog left the dark room, light only seeping when he left through the open doors. They closed leaving the room dimly lit by the wall of energy. Its light disappated into nothing, leaving the room in darkness.

~I'm soooo sorry this took so long guys :( my writer's block killed my vibe, but I believe I've got it back! So please vote and comment as you like! I promise more parts sooner and NOT later this time ; 3 Thanks for reading!


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