~ Sick ~

489 14 11

Genre: Fluff, Angst

(Trigger-)Warning: meantions of depression and suicide

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A short young boy stood in the doorway, looking sleepy and a bit sick.

"Changkyun!", Kihyun walked over to him, leaving his kitchen work alone.

"Baby, you look sick, are you ok?" He stroke his cheek gently.

Changkyun nodded slightly. "Yes, just tired."

Kihyun squeezed his hand and smiled at him.

"Alright then. You can sleep in my bed if you want to, as always. And if you need anything, just call me."

He gave him a quick peck on his forehead, which made the younger smile heavenly.

Then he turned around and headed towards the bedroom.

Kihyun looked after him then turned around, too and continued cleaning and chatting with the other members.


Something about half an hour later Kihyun had finished his house/kitchenwork and decided to look for Changkyun, cause since the young boy had entered the kitchen he had had a very bad feeling about him.

He sneaked through the corridor to the bedroom both shared with their members Minhyuk and Jooheon and pushed the door slightly and quietly open, trying to not wake up the probably sleeping Changkyun.

Well he wasn't asleep at all.


The light from the hallway fell on the youngers face and Kihyun could see that he was lying indeed in the olders bed, wrapped up in his blanket, almost on the edge of the bed, his hamster plushie firmly pressed against his body and face wet of tears which ran silently out of his sad puppy eyes.

Kihyun rushed over to his bed and crouched in front of Changkyun who's gaze layed sniffing on him.

"Changkyun baby, why are you crying?! What's wrong, what happened?"

He looked with wide opened eyes incredibly worried at Changkyun, while scratching lightly the hair behind the latters ear and caressing his cheek with his thumb.

Changkyuns eyes were half closed, still tears escaping out of them and sniffing softly.

"I'm feeling so sick, Kihyun. I've got a bad headache and I'm ill", he muffled against the plushie, his eyes squeezed together, pressing a few tears out.

"I'm really feeling so so sick, Kihyun. Please help me."
"Changkyunnie..." Kihyun wiped a few tears away and kissed his nose softly.

"Why didn't you tell me befor? Or call me? I don't want you to suffer here alone, baby."

"I didn't want to bother you...", "Changkyun you're never bothering me! I love you and I just want you to be happy and god, please never think you're bothering me! I will always be there for you."

A little smile appeared on Changkyuns lips and he closed his eyes but immediately scrunched it up again and tears started to slowly leave his eyes again.

"That bad?"
"Yes." Changkyuns voice was weak and shook a bit.

"Baby...", Kihyuns eyes looked even more worried at him and he pressed his forehead lightly against Changkyuns.

"Do you want to puke? You should puke, it'll help against the queasiness."
"I want to...but I can't."

Kihyun stood up and ruffled Changkyuns hair.
"Then put a finger in?"

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