。Bathtub 。

468 12 2

Genre: Fluff

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"Oh my god Changkyun what is it?"

Kihyun headed to where the young boys voice came from.

"Can you close the door~?"

He was greeted by the sight of Changkyun, sitting in the with hot water filled bathtub, his slightly wet naked chest exposing and a pouting, questioning expression on his face.

Kihyuns eyes wandered to the water drops which dropped slightly from his hard nipples and he couldn't help but coo at the adorable sight.

He walked over to him, Changkyuns widening eyes following every of his motions, and cupped his face.

"Kkukungie-baby, how are you so adorable", he cooed and pressed his lips softly against Changkyuns.

"Hyung, I'm getting cold", Changkyun whined and pouted even more.

"Aww baby", Kihyun caressed the youngers cheek gently, "I'm sorry but you're just so...", he sighed delightfully.

"If you close the door, I can maybe make some space in here...", Changkyun suggested and wiggled his butt a little bit.

Kihyuns eyes widened and then formed to cute crescents as he smiled.

He went to close the door and turned around again, taking his shirt and pants off while the younger shuffled a bit to make space for him.

Kihyun climbed into the hot water while Changkyun smiled at him with big and very loyal and admiring puppy eyes.

The heat embraced Kihyuns body and made him feel, as if he had just stepped into a warm bed, under a soft blanket.

He pulled Changkyun closer, just like he'd done if they were to share a bed, and the younger boy pecked his lips before he turned around and placed himself comfortably between Kihyuns legs.

The warm water surrounded both, only their heads were peeking out and Changkyun laid his down on Kihyuns shoulder.

"How come your taking a bath right now though? It takes way longer than showering and I don't know if we have much time, the others-"

"Shhh hyung", Changkyun pressed his index finger softly against Kihyuns lips to shut him up. Kihyun frowned and pursed his lips but then pressed softly a kiss against the wet skin as Changkyun continued talking. "Don't worry, we've got all the time we need."

"Ah yes? How are you so sure?"

Kihyun began to place small kisses on Changkyuns exposed shoulder, which made the younger giggle.

"Everyone already showered and used the bathroom, so no one needs to go here anymore. And if they need to pee, they can still use the other toilet."

"But...I didn't shower yet?"

Changkyuns fingers played with the water, ran maybe a little bit nervously through it and let it drop back down between his finger.


Kihyun snorted. "So you've planned this, didn't you?"

A sly smile appeared on Changkyuns lips.

"Maybe..." He rolled his head slightly to the side and kissed Kihyuns jaw.

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