Phase 1 'Base assistance'

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There's not much in this chapter action wise as its just a chapter of Acirah getting into the first of many routines she'd have to do in base. It took me a while to write because I couldn't figure out what to write for this chapter so I figured it would just be a chapter of her settling in further and being introduced more to others. Uh also the picture above is the human Medbay run by Ratchet's Holoform!







Her hands covered her ears as she cried, trying to block the sound.


Her skin began to burn, like fire licking and biting at her flesh.

So much pain...

She was in so much pain! Lips parted to scream and gasp for air only to come out in hacking coughs as smoke filled the lungs. The billowing black cloud was suffocating her and making her eyes water, drowning in the smoke.

C-can't breath...

Air... Need air!

Acirah lunged from her cot, choking and grasping at her throat while her eye's frantically scanned her surroundings. Gone was the biting flames that attacked her flesh and quiet was the night in placement of the ear splitting screams that previously echoed in her ears. She took in greedy gulps of air as her tense body slowly started to relax when her eye's fell upon Leah still fast asleep on the right side of their shared quarters, wrapped up in her cover's like a burrito. Their room was still somewhat plain, still in the process of being decorated, but a few poster's were up on Leah's walls of intricate and beautiful Indian paintings. She shifted, feeling the cool blanket that she'd slept under falling down her body to hug only her waist while her right hand reached up to wipe the collecting sweat from her forehead. Once her breathing returned to normal she closed her eye's and grit her teeth, aggravation setting in at having the same nightmare once again, being haunted by the memories of her past.

She was so tired of remembering...

Letting out a sigh, Acirah allowed her hands to reach to the metal structure at the top end of her bed where the dog tags of her fallen comrades hung. She caressed them for a moment, allowing the smooth cold metal to brush over her fingertips, before sending a silent prayer to them for strength to endure and jumped when the morning trumpet sounded effectively ripping her from her mind mid prayer. Leah gave a groan from across the room, grumbling after a moment as she went tumbling out of her bed before looking over to Acirah with a scowl and glare that would scare the devil himself. Giving a slight semi-forced chuckle, Acirah got up from her bed and hurried to get dressed in her... spare uniform. She put on her army pants, then her shirt before tying her jacket around her waste. Ian had instructed her before she went to sleep to not wear her helmet and mask today and though the comfort of having her face and emotions hidden was something she relied upon heavily, she knew she had to suck it up and follow her orders.

And so today she would go out bare before the rest of the soldiers, not something she wished to do...

"Not a morning person huh?" Acirah asked softly to her roommate after a moment, her roommate in turn growling in response.

That sounded suspiciously like a curse, she silently mused. Apparently Leah was NOT a morning person. Noted.

Acirah then began putting on her combat boots and making the bed to standard perfection when loud footsteps began echoing through the hall outside of their quarters. The two soldiers finished their beds just in time for Ian Hyde to come in looking tired and aggravated.

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