Chapter 14

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I woke up to see everyone still asleep. I went upstairs and showered. I put beach wavy spray in my hair and let it air dry. I searched through my closet for something to wear. I grabbed a levis shirt and tied it right under my boobs so its a crop top and put high waisted short shorts on with black adidas. I did extremely light makeup. I put on a ring that has diamonds all the way around on my right hand. (Theyre comfy af. I have one) i put on a necklace thats short and than put on a longer one. (1 then 2)

I grabbed black sunglasses and went downstairs to see everyone is just getting up

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I grabbed black sunglasses and went downstairs to see everyone is just getting up. Jake kept staring at me as i walked around and sat on the couch.
"Jake close your mouth you're gonna catch flies" Ademir said laughing. Everyone else laughed and Jake pushed Ademir playing around.
"Im hungry" I said looking at my phone.
"Where do you want to eat" Tyler asked.
"Wait I can answer this one i dont know" Jake  mocked me. I shot him a look causing him to laugh and look away.
"We could go get waffles?" Aley smiled at me.
"Yes waffles" I said jumping up.
"Why are you so happy over waffles?" Mikey asked.
"She absolutely loves waffles." Aley looked at him. Everyone got dressed and we went out for breakfast. When we got there i order waffles and bacon with apple juice. When our food came out I got a big smile on my face and danced around in my seat. I got weird looks from the guys but that didnt stop me I got waffles. I ate my food finishing before everyone else. I got up to go to the bathroom when I really just applied for a job there. I automatically got the job. I start next Monday. So i have almost a week. I paid while I was up there and we left. We went back to Mikeys house. I sat on Jakes lap while he sat on the couch. He had his arms around my waist. I was on my phone trying to figure out what to post on Instagram. I finally picked a picture and posted it. We were all talking about things and what we should do today.
"We could go to Walmart and get kicked out?" I stated looking at everyone. Jake kissed my cheeks and everyone agreed on going to Walmart. Ademir had to go to work. So it Mikey and Aley, Jake and I, then Tyler. We all got into Mikey's M4. Aley Tyler and I in the back Jake and Mikey in the front. We went to Walmart and parked far away. We went in and Jake and Mikey were doing backflips. We went over to the speaker section and Mikey played Slob on my Knob.
"SLOB ON MY KNOB. LIKE CORN ON THE COB. CHECK IN WITH ME. AND DO YOUR JOB. LAY ON THE BED AND GIVE ME HEAD. DONT HAVE TO ASK DONT HAVE TO BEG. JUICY IS MY NAME. SEX IS MY GAME. LETS CALL THE BOYS. LETS RUN A TRAIN. SQUEEZE ON MY NUTS. LICK ON MY BUTT" played over the speakers. A worker came up to us and started fighting with Jake and Mikey. She smacked Jakes camera out of his hand and I pushed her.
"You cant touch me."
"And you cant touch our property you stupid bitch. All we were doing was seeing which speaker we liked that just happened to be the song that played." She lunged towards me but I grabbed one of her arms and pushed it in between her should blades. I pushed her knees out with my knee and folded her. Jake grabbed me and walked away with me. Mikey Aley and Tyler walked behind me.
"Damn my girl can fight" Jake said impressed.
"Always been able to" Aley said.
"Can you?" Mikey looked at her.
"Yea but she got into more fights than I did. More people hated her" Aley said. I smiled and flipped my hair. The guys laughed and we did more stupid shit. The manager got in jakes face and they were going back and forth. To see Jake so mad was lowkey sexy. As we were going to the car I brushed my hand over his dick looking back and smirking at him. He bit his lip a squeezed my ass.


What did you do that for?
It was sexy watching you get so mad.
Dont tease me babygirl
Why not 😢
Cause you'll get punished 😈
Maybe I'll like it
You wont be able to walk after
🤤 ooo
Stop teasing.

Jake looked back at me and winked. Mikey dropped Jake and I off at home. I unlocked the door and he closed and locked it. He pinned me against the door kissing me roughly. He kept rubbing my sides. He grabbed my legs and picked me up. He walked up to the room and laid me on the bed. He laid next to me.
"You dont feel like it either?" I asked him. He just nodded. We ended up cuddling the rest of the night. Falling asleep in each others arms.

Timeless /:/ Jake DufnerWhere stories live. Discover now