Car sex

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"We’re lost."

"Yeah, your nagging is really helping with that little lady." Soul grumped, half smoked cigarette hanging from his lips. Maka rolled her eyes and put her feet back up on her boyfriends dashboard. He glared at her once before turning his attention back to the road.

"You were supposed to ask Black Star how to get to Tsubaki’s cabin! Not wing it!"

"I did ask!"

"Then you forgot huh? Stupid fucking stoner brain!"

"Why don’t you text your friend and ask her where the hell we’re supposed to go!"

"With what service you dolt! Do you see how tall these trees are?! I have like no service!"

"Not my fault." Soul growled, tossing his cigarette into the ashtray. Maka was about to argue again, but a clap of thunder rocked the sky, and Soul swore as the car took a turn rough, and a loud popping sound had then skidding.

Maka cried out, and Soul carefully brought the car to a stop. “Stay here.”

"Are you crazy?! This is like out of a horror flick!"

"Maka stay here."


"Please?" Soul sighed, lighting another cigarette. "I’ll be right back, right in the rear view mirror."

"….okay." Maka sighed as Soul kicked the door open, and stalked back to his car. He stood there smoking for a 

while before screaming something at his car and coming back in. "Tire is totally fucked."

"…don’t you know how to fix it?"

"No shit I know how to fix it…but not in the fucking pitch dark."


"…we can sleep in here. Star will find us by tomorrow."

"It’s like you’ve never seen scary movies! This is a bad idea!"

"You think I’m gonna let anything happen to you? Besides, it’s just one night. I lived in my car for a while. It’ll be okay." Soul smiled before opening his door again. He rummaged around the trunk, coming back with two thick blankets and a pillow. "Wasn’t really planning for guests, but it’ll work."

"I don’t like this."

promise it’ll be fine." He smiled, even locking on the door. "Really." He pushed the seat back and dropped the back of the seat. "Come here."

"….okay." Maka sighed, crawling from her seat to his, and falling into his chest. She loved the way he smelt, but not as much as when he smoked cigarettes. "…you lived in your car."

"Everyone has at some point." Soul shrugged, leaning against Maka more.

"This is so scary."

"This isn’t scary."

"Yes it is."

"No, it isn’t. Chill Maka."

Maka sighed against his neck, and Soul tried to repress the shiver down his spine that it caused. Maka tensed in his arms. “Oh, are you kidding me?!”

"Sorry! You know…m’neck is sorta…sensitive…"

Maka rolled her eyes, but slid her hand up his side. Soul’s breathing caught in his throat and Maka scoffed. “Are you really getting off on this?”


"Oh cuz I totally believe that." Maka laughed, her hand trailing up his shirt, then past his waistband. He nearly choked when she ran her palm across his dick.

"Fhaaaaaaaak me." He growled, pulling her on top of him. "Thought you were scared?"

"Distract me."

Soul sighed, pressing his lips to hers. “Someday I’m actually gonna take you to a bed.”

"Beds are boring." Maka shrugged, grinding against him. Soul moaned while she gasped, reaching between them to pull Soul from his jeans while he made quick work of pushing her panties to the side, two of his fingers working against her clit. Maka’s breath hitched against his lips and she squeezed his dick slowly. His other hand came to rest in her hair, taking a handful and tugging so he could she her face when he slipped inside.

It was not the easiest position. Soul could barely move his hips up into her, and her knee was trapped between the seat and steering wheel. Maka whimpered while Soul growled, trying to move into her.

“grind" Maka ordered, and Soul nodded. Hips rubbing against each other, Maka finally nodded. "Like that, oh fuck 

Soul just like that."

Soul only gasped, working her hips against his more, and bringing his free hand back to her clit while he claimed her mouth.

He worked furiously and Maka finally pulled away from his lips and dove into his neck. “Oh god! Soul!”

"Come Maka, please." His voice rumbled from his chest, and and she nodded, kissing his pulse while her world collapsed around her, and him.

Soul sighed. His own body filling with fire before smashing Maka’s mouth against his own once more and coming. She swallowed his panting while he slowly rubbed her back.

"Ohhhh my god."

"Less scared?"

"A little. Stay up with me until the sun comes up?"

"As many sunrises as you want Maka, they’re yours."

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