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Carelessly running down the hall, 18 didn't stop to notice anything. Justin was running behind her, and she didn't want to turn around to see him. She sprinted until she found a dead-end, and just stood there, staring at the wall for a second. Maybe if she used her powers..... No. She thought. What if Justin came by right then? Would he think she was a freak? She put her hands over her eyes. and quietly sobbed. She heard a shout from behind her, and it didn't sound like Justin. Soon, she felt a soft hand on her solder. 

"Teen," Justin's voice cracked quietly, "I had no idea." 18 turned to face him and shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

18 looked at her shoes. "Y-you'd be afraid. Of me." She whispered. 

Justin shook his head. "You are the coolest person I know! You can do things with your brain an-and gravity that no-one else can. You're like-like a superhero!" Justin threw his hands in the air. 18 smiled and stared in his deep, forest green eyes. 

"What. Just. Happened?" An unfamiliar voice spoke behind the two of them. Justin and 18 turned and saw a short-ish boy with sandy-brown hair, and grey eyes, staring at them with his jaw hanging open. 

His posture straightened. "As the hall monitor, I-I saw you guys running so I fol-followed you, and...What?!" Justin looked around for an excuse.

 "Hey, you're Amanda's younger brother, right? Amanda Spider?" The boy nodded, and his unkempt, messy hair shook with his hair. "Well, Amanda, is..somewhat...friends with my brother Bently, and Carol, too, right?"Justin shrugged his shoulders as he asked. The boy shook his head slowly. 

"And they're meeting up at Diane's Donuts after school. Well, you and I and Teen here will meet up with them, OK?" They boy just stared at them, his eyes darting back and forth at Justin and 18. "OK bye!" Justin grabbed 18 arm and darted past the boy. 

Author's Note:

Sorry it's so short! There's tons of confusion probably. Lemme explain. 

SO, Bently, Justin's older brother, and the boy, (Greyson), older sister, Amanda's best friend is Carol. All three, Bently, Amanda and Carol are friends that meet up at 'Diane's Donuts' Also, Carol is dating this dude named Matthew Morgan. 

Confusion cleared up, right? 

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