Chapter 5 (unedited)

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Its hard being in a relationship with somebody that's 1717 or so miles away. not being able to her, treat her Like a princess or even murmur sweet word to her. it puts a strain on the relationship, it makes it harder and prone to arguments, distrust and jealousy .

While I would never hurt Lynn purposely sometimes things happen you might have posted or a picture you share might have just shared post those that was interpreted the wrong way and that how the in securities come in. its not that we don't trust each other its just that the insecurities seem like they are inevitable when someone is hurt or even jealous.

Every couples have their problems me and Lynn was just one of them.


Time spent not talking was either spent doing whatever my mother ordered with objection along with studying and most importantly reading.

Life's hard, complicated and damn near impossible but when I reading I get lost I get lost in the words reading about a new boy in love with a linebacker, a teacher slash business man who owns a BDSM club risking it all for a student that doesn't seem to have a brain to mouth filter or even living on the mythical planet of Horus. my point is other than Lynn there isn't much that grabbed my attention enough to pull me away from the harsh reality that's my life.

And to have that threatened to be taken away is not only ludicrous but extremely rude, but my parents did it anyway. they said I don't do anything how can I do something when nowhere is hiring? , I tried finding a job more than once I had sent in application letters I did everything I could but to them I don't try hard enough but when they come home the house is clean dinner is ready and I still find time go do their biddings and never once complained or an angry eyelash . because I wanted a place to stay, because i can't live on the streets so I suck it up and grew a vagina.

I had a feeling that if they could put me own without their conscience and maybe other family members looking down on them I would be homeless about now, not that I can blame them for disliking me its not their fail I'm a screw up for not being the perfect, normal child they wanted.

My mother told me she wished I was normal what happened to parents are suppose to love you forever? I'm guessing my

forever is up and its time to suit up and get in the ring and fight for my life.

right hook

left hook

block my face



keep sending punches after punches over and over until the referee hits the bell.


And when I said grew a vagina that's what I meant , I won't say grow some balls because those things are delicate while a vagina well that thing can take some pounding ;) its strong trust me I know.

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