Chapter 2: A day out

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You woke up in your bed, the sunlight from your window stinging your eyes. You groan and sit up, rubbing your eyes. A thought then occurred to you. Yesterday, that giant blue woman, was it all a dream? No it couldn't be, it all looked so real. You stretch, stepping out of bed and walking towards your closet to get some clothes on. You put on a t-shirt and jeans, you walked over to pack up your backpack, packing some books as well as a drawing pad and some pencils.

After you finished breakfast, you grabbed your bag and started walking out the door. "Alright dad, I'm leaving, see you later." You say to your father, who was drinking coffee in the living room. "See you later, kiddo. Have fun with your giant blue woman." He said the last sentence teasingly, now you know it certainly wasn't a dream.

You rush over to the area, jumping the fence and turning to the palanquin. There they were, Blue Diamond and her Pearl. You swerve past the bushes, walking over to the pair. Pearl turned her head in your direction, then speaking to her Diamond. "The human arrives, my Diamond." Blue Diamond turned towards you, looking down at you as you walked towards her.

"Morning, Blue." You smile at her and she smiles back. "Hello again, (y/n)." You sit down on the grass, just a few feet away from Blue. "How are you?" Blue Diamond glances at the palanquin, staring at it for a few seconds, being silent. "I'm...alright, I suppose." You glance up at the palanquin, sliding your backpack off you and placing it on the ground. "I-I see.." You zip open your bag, Blue Diamond looking down at you curiously. "Hm? What is that?"

"Oh, it's my backpack, I carry some stuff in here." You pulled out a book, setting it on the ground as you pulled out a drawing pad. "I like to draw and read, it's fun." You smile up at her as Blue repositioned herself, laying down while propping herself up with her elbows. "May I watch?" She seemed curious about your hobbies. You nod, opening the book. "Sure."

Some time passes, and you find yourself reading all the books you brought to Blue. She was mesmerized by your storytelling, listening to every word you read. You close up the fifth book, glancing up at Blue Diamond. "So, what did you think?" Blue smiled down at you, chuckling slightly. "I liked it, especially the ending." You were reading her one of your favorite book series. You glance up at the sun, shielding your eyes with your hand. The sun was in the center of the sky. It's high noon.

"Man, time flies when you're reading huh?" You laugh a bit, packing your books up. Blue Diamond watched you as you open your drawing pad. "What's in there?" You flip through the pages, showing her various drawings, ranging from animals and landscapes, to people and city skylines. "These are some stuff I like to draw. When we go on trips, I like to draw what I see and find."

You pull out a pencil from your bag and looked around for something to draw. Pearl was sitting near you, watching over your shoulder. You look up when you heard a bird tweet above you. It was a blue jay. It flew over to you and Pearl and she lifted her hand, the blue jay landing on her fingers. "Ooh, hold that pose!" You quietly exclaimed, your pencil meeting with the drawing pad. Pearl didn't move a muscle.

Soon as you were finished, you told Pearl you were done. "Ok you're good." Pearl relaxed her arm, the blue jay fluttering away. You show Pearl the picture you drew. "What do you think?" You smile at her as she examines it. "It's very nice." You turn around, showing it to Blue Diamond. She leans over, examining the picture with a smile. "Nicely done, you're very talented." You smile, blushing a little.

"Thanks, here's some other work." You flip through the pages, showing her some other drawings. You showed her several pictures, but you stopped at one. It was a drawing of your dad and mother. You pause as you stare at it, you drew this just before she passed away. All the memories started flying back at you as you tried not to tear up. Your train of thought was interrupted when Blue Diamond spoke again.

"(Y/n), is everything alright?" She spoke with concern in her voice. You stare at the picture, speaking again. "I-I'm fine, it's just.. I drew this just before my mom died..I miss her so much.." You sniffle, wiping a tear away with your hand as you felt Pearls hand on your shoulder. "Were you close?" Blue looked down at you. "Very."

"I'm so sorry." Blue Diamond said solemnly as you felt huge fingers press against your back. You were slightly startled, but you knew she would be gentle with you. Her huge fingertips grazed against your back in a comforting manner. You let out a deep sigh as she comforted you. Her other hand reached over to you, scooping you up in both of her hands. You hold onto her finger, trying not to fall. Her hands close in around you, still staying gentle. It was warm and comforting, it felt like Blue was trying to hug you. You wanted to hug her back, but all you could do was put your arms around her thumb.

You let go of the giant digit, her hold releasing on you, now you were seated in her palms as you looked at Blue Diamond, who was smiling softly. "Is that better?" You smile and nod at her. "Much better, thank you." You felt her finger gently rub the top of your head, making you giggle a bit. "I'm glad I found someone who understands how I feel." Blue Diamond spoke softly as the two of you look at each other. "Yeah, me too."

Big Blue (Blue Diamond x Child!Reader) (Reupload)Where stories live. Discover now