Chapter 5: From beyond your star

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You were woken up by the gentle shaking of Pearl, as well as her soft voice. "(Y/n), wake up, we've arrived." You open your eyes and let out a yawn, rubbing your eyes as your vision adjusts. What you saw was like a sparkling utopia, shiny buildings in all different shades of blue and a vast open sky. As you looked down, there were other gems, all different colors and making the same symbol that Pearl was making.

"Whoa, are those more gems?" You get stars in your eyes as you look at them all. You were still positioned in Blue Diamond's lap, when she scooped you up in her hand. She stood up, still being careful with you. "Yes, this is one of my colonies." You look around at the vast sky and the gems below you. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you were sure they were mumbling about you.

You kept your balance as Blue carried you. The three of you enter a building and into what looked like a throne room, decorated in all shades of blue and you could hear the sound of waterfalls in the distance. Blue then lowered you on the ground next to Pearl. "(Y/N), I have some duties to attend to, why don't you go explore?" She smiled down at you as she sat in a large chair. You nodded at her. "Sure." Pearl stood beside you as Blue spoke again. "Pearl, keep an eye on them." Pearl made her symbol and bowed. "Of course, my Diamond."

You wave at her as you turned and walked off, Pearl following you behind. The walls, floors, decor, even the gems you spotted were all blue. It was shiny and you liked it. The gems you spotted didn't pay much attention to you, although they did give some confused glances. Of course they didn't question you too much with Pearl nearby.

You pause in your tracks as you heard a voice nearby. It sounded like a girl, kinda British sounding and high pitched, but it was mature enough to be an adult voice. You glance around the corner and spot two gems talking, one of them was tall and slender, wearing a light blue business suit with a blue square gemstone on their chest, they had blue skin and a monocle on their right eye. The other was smaller, wearing an outfit that looked like a school uniform. She had lighter blue skin, and when she turned around, her gem was on her cheek. The taller one was speaking with a distressed tone.

"You expect me to defend a rebel?! But that's treason!" The smaller one spoke in an irritated tone. "It's your job, you do it! It's not my fault!" The two proceeded to yell back and forth. You swear you saw the smaller gem give the other a rude gesture.

The taller Gem sighed and stormed away while the smaller gem headed in your direction. "Ugh, Zircons, so dramatic." She stopped when she saw you, you couldn't do anything but stare back at her. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "What are you looking at, dullard?" You tilt your head in confusion. "A British fairy apparently..."

"Excuse me?" The smaller gem looked offended, flying to your eye level. "You're one to talk, you organic mess." You furrow your brows at her insult. "Rude." She got a bit closer to you, squinting her eyes and squishing your cheeks with her hands. "Where did this human come from?"

"Blue Diamond has brought this human here, they are under her care." Pearl spoke as the smaller gem let go of your cheeks. "Hm, fine, but stay out of trouble." She glared at you and you just scoff. "I'm probably not more trouble than you." You swear you heard Pearl stifle a laugh. The small gem just groaned in annoyance and fluttered away.

"Wow, rude, who was that?" You glance over at Pearl. "That was an Aquamarine, always rude and full of herself." Pearl spoke and you heard the voice of Blue calling for you and Pearl. "We should head back." You nod and start walking back to Blue.

Pearl followed right behind you as you enter Blue's throne room. She stood up soon as she saw you. "I have somewhere to be, it's important work." You nod at her as she walked out of the room as you followed behind. "I'll take you somewhere else, were you'll be watched over while I'm gone." You seemed a bit concerned about this. "Where am I going?" You climb into Blue's lap soon as she sat in the palanquin. "The human zoo, Pink loved humans, she wanted them to be safe." A zoo? Now you felt a bit uneasy. "A-A zoo? Y-you're gonna put me in a zoo?"

"Well, not necessarily. There's a group of Amethysts that guard around it, they're quite a delight to be around, they'll watch over you." Blue gave you a reassuring smile as she stroked your hair, making you giggle a bit. You felt a little better hearing about that.

The ship soon stopped, you spotted a building out in space, it was large and pink, it was presumably the zoo. You climb down from Blue's lap, standing next to Pearl. You glance up at Blue as she spoke. "Pearl, take (Y/n) inside. Remind the quartzes they do not go in the facility." Pearl made her symbol again. "Yes, my diamond. This way (Y/n)." You follow Pearl and she brought you inside the building. It was very spacious and pink. You spotted two other gems, they were big and bulky, both with wild hair and different shades of purple. They glanced at each other then to you. "Another delivery?" One of them spoke. "Blue Diamond wants this human to be watched over, they do not go in the facility."

Both of the gems looked at each other confused as the second one spoke. "So we're babysitters?" You turn towards Pearl as she spoke again. "Be good, (Y/n), we'll be back." You smile at Pearl and give her a hug before she left. You turn to the two gems, who seemed confused, but also curious. One of them approached you, squatting to your level. "What's your name, squirt?" "(Y/n)." You respond as the second one spoke. "Nice name, I'm an Amethyst, so is she." She pointed to her counterpart. "Nice to meet both of you." You smile at them and one of them picked you up, holding you by the underarms. She seemed to examine you before she spoke. "Man, the others are going to like you!"

Big Blue (Blue Diamond x Child!Reader) (Reupload)Where stories live. Discover now