Chapter 14

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Chris House~
Paris ~
       " Do you have somewhere to go well you and the kids," Kentrell asked me as I pack mine and the twins stuff. " Yea I can either go back to my grammy's house or I can go live with Lucas, " I said as Chris walked in the house. " Baby I'm sorry," he said kissing me on my neck. " Nah there is no sorry at this time of the game," I continued, " You fucked up bad this time so we're done there is no second chance!" " Please one more chance," he begged me. "Nah you fucked up bad once you came at my parenting skills when you know I'll  kill a dead dog over them," I said as the gang came in. " Please don't leave me," he said with tears coming down his face," I'm begging you not to go!" " Too late to be begging now nigga," Beenie said to Chris. " WHO THE FUCK WAS TALKING TO YOU, " Chris yelled at him. " Nobody but I was talking to you," Beenie snapped back. Chris grabbed my arm and pulled to him. " You not goin ANYwhere and I mean it," he whispered in my ear. " WHO IN THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I AM," I yelled at him, "I am NOT Rihanna or Karuche you can't bully me into staying with you and you know that!" Kd was tired of him trying to run me so he punched him.

"Yall let's go," I said pulling Kd off of Chris. " GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HOUSE," Chris yelled spitting out blood. I shook my head and went out the door. I was sitting in my car, when Lucas texted me.

A/n: Lucas room in media

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A/n: Lucas room in media

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