First days are hard

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    ~ Keith ~

"Keith get up it's 6 AM, you have school in a hour, and you have to get ready." Keith's older sister Lena said. A groan came from under the pillows "I'm not going to school there is no purpose there for me." Keith said his voice sounding very tierd, which it was. Hi my names Keith, I'm 16, about to turn 17 but that doesn't really matter, anyways I. Hate. School. My last school I came out to a great friend but then he turned his back on me and told the whole school, so then I got bullied, not that fun, so then we moved because my parents didn't think my school was safe enough for me. So now I'm here having to get up and go to another dumb school. "Keith get up, I don't want to make you have to..." Keith shot up from under the covers "I'm awake! And don't you dare touch me or I will punch you." Keith said warning his sister. Lena just laughed and walked out of his room. 

~ lil' time skip coming to you by Keith's lovely smile ~

Keith put on his black skinny jeans and then put his black shirt and tucked it in to his pants, grabbed his red jack and then Keith ran down stairs and read the time 6:27. Keith went to the kitchen to see his sister seating at the table looking on instagram and then saw his mom making breakfast, pancakes, potatoes, and sausage. "Hey Lena, hey mom." Keith said as he sat down. "Hey sweetie, did you sleep well?" Keith's mom asked smiling at him. "Well it was ok I guess it could've been better." Keith said a little emotionless "Well I'm sorry sweetie, is the problem your bed? Is the neighborhood to loud? We can go to get a new bed, we can-" "mom no it's just I went to bed to late I'm a little jet lagged." Keith technically lied because he can't tell his he was nervous she would put to much attention on him because he really didn't need that. "Oh well ok, here you go. Give this to Lena since she's to lazy to get up." And Keith's mom out to plates in front of Keith. Lena smiled at Keith and Keith just had a blank expression and slide the plate down the table and left to go to work. "Bye kids I'll be back at 4 so all your homework better be finished or almost finish ok? Bye" "bye mom" They both said in unison and there mom left. "Yo keith why you look so?" She gestured to Keith's face. "Because I can." Keith just started eating. I never lost my appetite just started to become emotionless and Lena even though it seems like I hate her, I love her and if anyone hurt her I would killed them, and same goes with my parents.

As Lena got up she poked Keiths side "Ack! Really Lena!?" Lena laughed "Well your still ticklish." Keith glares at Lena. "Hey not my fault." Lena said hands up in defense. Keith just continue to eat.  Lena felt like something was wrong with Keith so Lena sat by Keith and whispered "cmon Keith tell me what's wrong?" She said though it came oof more as a question then a demand. "I'm ok." Lena just sighed "Ok." Lena got up and asked Keith to hurry up and get his backpack or there gonna be late. Keith finished eating out his plate in the sink, then grabbed his backpack and ran outside and gotten in his sisters car. "Keith ya ready for the first day sophomore." Lena said. Keith jumped at that because he didn't notice her in the car "uh- um I guess? Not really." Keith said. "How about you going to senior year?" Keith asked his older sister. "Well ya know it's like the middle of the year because we had to move but I'm kinda scared to go because making new friends isn't easy as you think when your 18." Lena said "same here." Keith said shuffling in his seat uncomfortable as they near school "Keith are you scared you'll get bullied like last time?" Lena asked. Keith looked at his sister and he started crying and curled into a ball. Ugh I kinda hate crying in front of people but my sister is accepting and she doesn't make fun of me in serious situations so I guess right now is ok. Lena hugged Keith and he just scooted closer to Lena and just Lena just let him cry "Keith if anyone hurts you I'll beat them up two times harder back and I'll make sure I find you good friends and you know I'm great at that." Lena said. That made Keith more comfortable and less nervous know his sister would be in the same school instead of being separated from here.

As Keith and Lena walked in the school Lena had to go to class, so she hugged Keith and left. Keith went to the office to get his schedule, since he lost his when they came here to check out the school and have a small meeting with the principal. As Keith was walking he accidentally bump into a kid running. Keith looked at him, he had tan skin, had jeans and a gray shirt on, with a greenish jacket on. "Oh um i-I'm sorry i-I didn't see you coming." Keith said very nervously and Keith cussed at himself for being such a whimp and not confident at all. Before the kid he saw could speak Keith ran off to the office. When he got there he asked a lady at the desk for his schedule. "Well sweetie I need your name." She said. "Keith Kogane."  Keith told her. "Ok...Keith." She dragged out his name as she printed out his schedule. "Do you want someone to give you a tour around the school or just it to classes?" She asked. "Uhh I'll just go to class, thanks!" Keith said happily, as he walked out he just went back to emotionless self. He started walking to class when he got to his classroom he didn't know if he should just walk in or knock on the door but before he could do that a voice behind him appeared "Are you gonna go in the classroom or just stand there?" Keith jumped at the voice and turned around it was a shirt boy...? No a girl no wait they looked like a boy or maybe there a they "uh I'm gonna go in I just don't know if I should knock or just walk in because I'm new so I really don't know how I enter a room here like is there a ru—" before Keith could even finish the person spoke "your new? Well I could come in with you because this is my class either way. I'm Pidge by the way." Keith just walked in with Pidge. Pidge went to their seat and I went to the teacher "hi I'm new here, my names Keith, Keith  Kogane." Keith explained to the teacher "Well Keith welcome to math class my name is Mr. Shirogane, but the kids call me Shiro, you can sit next to Pidge the girl you came in with Ok?" Mr. Shirogane said. I nodded and sat next to pidge. So far so good in this school.

Hey guys it's the writer of this story I hope you like this so far I know it's not good I'm not really good with grammar but I tried my best anyways I'll have this schedule up soon and I'll have time to write since it's summer but if I don't update sorry I'm either real busy or I'm just to lazy but I'll inform you sovya know what happens anyways bye and thanks for reading chapter 1!!

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