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After the whole morning fiasco, the boys had cleaned up and decided to go out to the hiking site near the villa.

"I don't understand why we have to go. It's summer time! It's the time where we can be lazy as fuck and forget every single thing you learned school! Not a time to be productive and take a hike!" Chenle complained, walking behind the group of boys.

"Oh shut up you dolphin headass. I heard from the locals that there's this lake off the trail up ahead. We can take a swim since it's like 1000 degrees outside, and I'm practically bathing in sweat." Donghyuck said, wiping off the sweat off his forehead and gagging afterwards.

"What are you gagging for? The sweat is the only reason you aren't a fucking crinkly ass raisin. Also, stay hydrated kids. I don't want any of you dying of dehydration on me." Renjun remarked, taking his 2838493th sip from his 5th water bottle today.

It was around midday right now, and so far, they boys were suffering from the sun's heat beaming down on them.

"How much further is the lake?" Asked Jeno, furiously fanning himself.

"It should be right around here." Donghyuck started to step off of the trail and into the woods.

The boys followed, enjoying the shade that the trees were providing them. Up ahead, the sound of water rushing intrigued the boys.

Jaemin, being tired of the cotton fabric sticking onto his skin, threw off his shirt and started bolting towards the sound of running water.

The others followed, but kept their shirts on. They weren't that wild.

Meanwhile, Jeno kept thinking of how utterly and flawlessly hot Jaemin looked whilst taking off the piece of clothing. He was so caught up in his thoughts about the boy he almost tripped over a tree trunk of it weren't for Renjun catching him.

"Woah! You okay there?" Renjun was holding onto Jeno's waist with one arm while the other latched on to a low tree branch.

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" Jeno scrambled to get up and thanked Renjun for catching him.

"No problem!" Renjun showed Jeno his big smile as he led the younger towards to the lake the others ran off to.

On the other hand, the boys had found the lake. It wasn't that big and the waters were pretty clear too. The waters were quite shallow, about maybe 4 feet in depth at most. Near the lake stood a waterfall. The blueish water cascaded down the rocky cliff, crashing into the pool of water below.

The caramel haired boy already jumped in, shouting in excitement.

"Oh my god Nana, you sound like Chenle 2.0!" Mark commented as he took off his shirt, leaving him in his swimming trunks.

From behind, Donghyuck eyed the elder down.

"Hyuckie-hyung I know you're already hella whipped for seagull brows over there but hurry up and get your ass in here! The water feels great!" Yelled the maknae but got splashed immediately after by a certain dolphin boy.

"THANKS CHENLE!" Donghyuck yelled, giving the younger a thumbs up.

"NO PROB--" the boy was promptly cut off when the taller boy dragged him underneath the water.

Eventually, everyone was splashing water on each other. Laughing and yelling happily.

"Guys look! There's a cave behind the waterfall," Jisung pointed out, motioning towards the waterfall. "Wanna check it out?"

Everyone exchanged some looks then agreed on the idea by nodding. Near the side of the waterfall, there was a small stair like structure leading into the cave.

The boys piled into the the cave, all holding each other's hands since it was kind of dark. The darkness soon started to brighten up as the spotted a small glowing pond deeper into the cave.

The waters glowed a pretty fluorescent blue, lighting up the place quite well. Ferns and moss were stuck onto the rocks that surrounded the pond, and up above, lightning bugs flew around. Emitting flashes of a dim yellow light.

The boys gaped at the beautiful sight in front of them.

"What is this? A fairy tale?" Jaemin muttered, admiring the cave's beauty.

"It's mother nature Jaemin. Mother fucking nature." Replied Donghyuck, eyes still trained on the pretty scenery in front of them.

"I know this might be a dumb idea but, do you guys want to make a wish? I mean the vibe of this place seems perfect for the occasion." Renjun suggested, still holding both Jaemin's and Jeno's hand.

"That sounds like a great idea Junnie." Jaemin said, gently squeezing the boy's hand while giving him a smile.

Renjun felt like melting. How can someone be so pretty--no, beautiful while smiling?

"Ok ok you two, stop being a cheesy couple over there. Are we going to make our wishes or not?" Asked Donghyuck, giving the two a look.

And so, the boys went silent. Closing their eyes and making their wish.

"I wish to get closer with these
boys during the summer and make
them my lifelong friends."

"I wish to get more control over
my feelings. Either that, or hope
that my feelings are returned."

"I wish to have fun this summer
break with these boys, and maybe
find love while I'm at it?"

"I wish to snatch seagull boy's
attention like how I snatched
everyone's weaves yesterday with
my fabulous performance."

"I wish to have all of my ships
sail by the end of this summer...
and maybe find someone special
for myself too."

"I wish to make amazing memories with everyone this summer. From
stupid ones to special ones, I
want to make them all!"

"I wish to not die this summer."


I'm not ready for school
But hope y'all liked the
chapter though :)

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