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"What do you want Hyuck?" Mark groaned, trying to stretch his limbs.

"What do you think it was last night?"

"I don't know, it was probably some raccoon or something." Mark was too tired to even think straight.

All he remembered was Donghyuck rushing in at around 2 or 3am saying that he heard something in Jisung's room. The younger knew that Jisung went to Chenle's, so it creeped him out to the max.

Not knowing what to do, he just rushed towards Mark's room, which was the closest to his room. Mark was too tired to comprehend anything so he just let the younger sleep with him. It's not like he'd mind either way.

So here they were, the next morning. Laying next to each other, staring at the ceiling.

"It didn't sound like a raccoon."

"Then what do you think it sounded like?"

"A person."

"Yeah, you're going crazy Hyuck. Go back to sleep." The elder turned onto his side and went back to curling up into a ball.

Donghyuck couldn't shake the odd feeling off of him. He kept thinking, thinking about last night. Jisung for sure wasn't in his room when he started to hear the noises.

Then it clicked.

Jisung's crazy stalker. He didn't know who it was exactly, but he had a feeling it was a specific female that worked at Rainbow Co.

It made sense, but he couldn't just assume off the bat like that. He needed proof. He needed the receipts.


After taking all of the photos off the mirror and doing their morning routine, they headed down to the living room. Everyone had heard about the apparent break in the night before and so they decided to gather and discuss the issue at hand.

Chenle and Jisung took and seat on the couch after placing the pictures on the coffee table they brought out.

"Ok, all we know is that whoever this is, broke into here twice. They did something and left a note, addressing it to our maknae." Mark summed up as the other nodded in agreement.

"And now, they're targeting Chenle." Jaemin added, a concerned look on his face.

He saw the pictures in the table, and to him, it was terrifying. You'd only think to see these things in movies but guess not.

"We all know that it isn't one of us. We'd have no reason to first off, and second, they are our children." Renjun stated.

"Correct. Who else do we know who isn't living in this villa?" Mark questioned, and Donghyuck immediately answered afterwards.

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