dear dream

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The dreaded day had come and everyone was ready to drown themselves in depression. Each boy was in their room, stuffing all their belongings into the suitcases they brought along with them.

Donghyuck was packing up the last of his things when he noticed the untouched paper bag on his nightstand. His brows furrowed for a second before he made his way towards the bag.

Then it clicked in his head, Mark was carrying this when he went to go talk to him. The elder said that it was a gift for him, so he picked up the bag and shook it a little.

A small rustling sound was produced, making the boy even more confused.

He unfolded the top and took out its contents. Dangling from his index finger, hung a small sun shaped keychain. On the back was a small message, most likely written by Mark.

'To Donghyuck, for being the sun that shines so bright and for being my first and hopefully last.'

Donghyuck smiles warmly at the words written on the keychain. He decided to put it on his suitcase for now and later, he'll probably hang it up somewhere else.

Whilst getting the last of his clothes from out of the drawers, he noticed a small pile of pictures at the bottom the drawer. He threw his clothes in the open suitcase on his bed and then took out the five photos.

Looking at the film, it was definitely taken with Chenle's camera.

The first photo was of him and the said male, taken selfie style. The younger male had on a bright smile, his whiskers showing as he put up a peace sign. While Donghyuck also held a blinding smile, winking at the camera.

A warm smile spread over his own lips, looking fondly at the picture of him and the younger male. He had to admit, even though Chenle was loud and obnoxious most of the time, the boy was endearing.

There wasn't a day where he wouldn't laugh along with the younger, whether it be over something insanely stupid or at one of the other guys' misfortune.

The other photos consisted of him and the other boys, then the last picture was of all of them. Together, smiling like no tomorrow. You could practically feel the pure joy they were feeling in that picture.

Before he knew it, a hot tear had landed onto the picture in between his fingers. Rapidly blinking, he quickly wiped away the tears that were slowly falling down his cheeks.

Donghyuck didn't know that leaving the group of boys took this much of an emotional toll on him. It was gonna suck not seeing the guys on a regular basis when he gets home.

Letting out a shaky sigh, he tucked the pictures in a small compartment in his suitcase.

"Hyuck?" The latter shot his head up at the familiar voice.

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