Chapter One

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~Ten Months Prior~

Bayley's POV

"No way!" Becky said to our blushing friend who nodded with a smile.

"Yeah he just asked me out" Sasha says and I sigh

It sucks having feelings for your best friend, it really does.

"Did you say yes?" Seth asked making me giggle. He was a buff guy but yet he never acted the part.

"Of course! I always liked him." Sasha says making me want to cover my ears and go cry.

"So now you and Dolph are dating?" Charlotte asks

"Yes." Sasha answers and then just like magic, Dolph appeared.

"Hey guys!" He says and walks over to Sasha, planting a kiss on her lips.

Ugh, disgusting.

"So I'm glad you guys became a couple!" Finn congratulates making me send him a death glare.

That should be me not Dolph, lucky son of a bitch.

"Thanks man!" Dolph says as he high fives Finn.

Ring Ring

The bell goes off causing us all to start walking towards class. Everyone splits up and walks towards their own classes except Sasha and I who have first period together.

I'd like to be happy about pretty much having the same schedule as Sasha but I'm not.

I love being her best friend but I hate it just as much. I don't want friends! I want more! But lucky me right? She just got a boyfriend and it's the guys she's been nonstop talking about for months.

We enter the class and sit at our usual seats which were towards the middle by a window. I silently took out all of my materials and waited for the teacher to begin the lesson.

"You okay?" Sasha asked elbowing me softly.

I hum in response making her frown.

"You sure?" She asks

I hum in response again and look out the window, avoiding her gaze.

"Bails what's wrong?" She asks

Oh you know just the daily struggle of trying not to tell you how much I love you.

"Nothing Sasha, I'm good." I say sending her a small smile.

"Okay good, I was just wondering why you've been quiet all day." She says as we write down the notes from the board.

"Quiet? What do you mean?" I ask

"Well you haven't been talking that much." She says

"Yes I have." I answer

"Okay I guess I was just going crazy." She says making me laugh.

"Ladies do you need to stay after class?" The teacher asks making us shake our heads.

"Are you happy for me?" Sasha whispers

Did the teacher not just tell us to be quiet?

"About?" I whisper back

"Dolph and I" She says and I feel awkward to be in this conversation.

"Sure." I whisper

"Sure? That's it, wow that makes me feel great." Sasha mumbles making me sigh.

"Oh my god Sasha that's fantastic! You guys are so cute together! I'm so hap-" I say a little to loud.

"Detention!" The teacher says making me groan.

"What why?" I ask

"It seems like your talking is more important than my lesson." The teacher says

"No of course not!" I say

"Bayley that's still a detention." The teacher says making me groan loudly earning a laugh from the class. The class slowly dragged on until finally the bell rang.

"I'm sorry Bay" Sasha says once we exit the class.

"For what?" I ask

"Well it's my fault for making you talk during class." She says in a guilty filled voice making me shake my head and grab her hand.

"It's okay." I say and kiss her hand gently making her blush.

Ah I love when I make her blush.

Then the moment was ruined as Dolph came out of nowhere again and began kissing Sasha.

"Hey Bails!" Becky says

"Hey guys." I say

"What's with the sad face?" Finn asks making me shrug.

"I have detention." I say making them all gasp, except Seth who began doing some sort of silly looking dance.

"Oh thank god!" He cheered and hugged me.

"Uh Seth, buddy are you okay?" I ask

"Yes he's okay, he got detention too." Charlotte says

"Not a surprise, what for this time?" I ask

"Words that are not school appropriate words may or may not have slipped out of my mouth, right when the teacher walked past." He says making me laugh and shake my head.

"When will you learn?" I ask

"Never, have you seen his grades?" Finn jokes making Seth punch him in the arm.

All on a sudden I heard heavy footsteps rushing our way making me turn around and see a huffing Dean.

"Are you dying?" Becky asks to our friend who is catching his breath.

"Missed...bus...ran" He says still trying to find his breath.

"Here." Charlotte says handing him a water bottle.

"Thank you!" He says and drinks the whole thing.

"Hey! I didn't want you to drink all of it!" Charlotte says when Dean hands her the now empty bottle.

"Oops" He says as he burps.

"What did I miss?" Dean asks

"Sasha and I are dating." Dolph says with a cocky smile and while chewing his gum.

"Wait really?" He asks sending me a quick glance.

Yes he knows about my feelings and sadly he now also knows that Sasha is dating Dolph. Dean is the only one of our group that knows, no one was supposed to know but he figured it out.

Ring Ring

The bell rings once more and we separate again, Sasha and I alone together.

"Isn't Dolph just great?" She asks with a bright smile.

Wish she smiled like that when she talked about me.

"So great!" I answer as we walk into our next class.

~Present Day~

I wanted her but I didn't want it this way. I love her but she doesn't feel the same, at least that's what she tells me. She says all we are is friends.

Just friends she says as she kisses me.

Just friends she says as we fuck.

Just friends, nothing more.

Guys! So what do you think about this new book? I'm excited to begin writing for this book, I hope you guys like it!

Hey reader! Thanks for reading my book and I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Let me know what you guys think of my book! Wow so much crazy what do you guys think is going on at the last part of this chapter? Penny for your thoughts?

It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This (G x G) COMPLETE ✔️💯Where stories live. Discover now