Chapter Two

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Question Of The Day:

How has your day been?

~Five Months Prior~

Bayley's POV

"Please!" She begs making me laugh.

"But I don't want to!" I explain

"But I want you to go!" Sasha says and pulls me.

"Sasha stop! I don't want to go." I say making her groan.

"Why! You always love going to the mall with me!" She says making me look away.

That's true I always loved going to the mall with her, I still do.

I just enjoy it less because a certain someone always has to tag along and take away all of Sasha's attention.

"Who's going?" I ask

"Hmm just our friends." She answers

"Is Dolph going?" I ask

"No he said he didn't want to." Sasha says making me smile.

"Okay I'll go." I say making her grin.

"To the mall we go!" Sasha says as she pretty much drags me out of the house.

"Get in loser we're going shopping!" Sasha says as she gets in the car.

A/n: ☝️ Anyone know where that's from?

"I think you ripped my arm off." I say as we pull out of the drive way.

"No I didn't." Sasha says

The whole drive to the mall Sasha and I just sing to the blasting radio. We arrive at the mall and park, as we enter the mall I spot our friends by the food court.

"Hey guys!" I say

"No! My nacho." Finn says with a pout and I see that his chip has fallen onto his shirt.

"Hey guys." Charlotte says as they greet us.

"How did you manage to drag the vampire out of her room?" Dean asks Sasha making me hit his arm.

"I'm not a vampire." I say

"Lad why didn't you want to come?" Becky asked

"Just didn't feel like it." I answer shortly

"What changed your mind?" Finn asks as he wipes the cheese off his shirt.

"Me!" Sasha says with a happy smile.

"Yup" I agree and I feel Dean squeeze my shoulder.

"What?" I ask him quietly.

"I convinced Dolph not to come." Dean said

"Okay" I say

"Hey! You should be thanking me, now you have Sasha all to yourself!" He says

"No I don't and it wouldn't matter because she's taken." I say

"You never know until you try?" Dean says making me look at him crazy.

Of course I dislike Dolph but that doesn't mean he deserves to be cheated on.

"Either way how am I going to get her alone?" I ask making Dean shrug.

We had a great time at the mall, time passes to quick when your having fun. Everyone had to go home except Becky, Dean, Sasha, and I.

It Wasn't Supposed To End Like This (G x G) COMPLETE ✔️💯Where stories live. Discover now