Sort Of Normality

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Lexie woke up to the sound of raindrops, but as she opened her eyes, she realised it wasn't actual rain, but the opening to the song that she'd set as her alarm; The Script - Hurricanes. Sleepily, she lay on her back in her bed, rubbing sleep from her eyes, as she let the song play. As the final chords played, she silenced the alarm, and forced herself out of bed, to take a shower. As the hot water fell over her skin, she traced the scars of where the 5 bullets impacted, tearing her flesh, 4 months earlier.

Once she was satisfied that she was clean, and her hair smelled sufficiently of her strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner, she brushed her teeth, and, with her towel wrapped tightly around her, left for her room, to get dressed. Not possessing a wardrobe, which didn't really bother her, meant that all of her clothes were kept in the suitcase that she came with. She pulled out some short denim shorts, thin black tights, 'Be Batman' t-shirt, and Linkin Park hoodie, along with her patent black Doc Marten boots and some fresh underwear, and got dressed, before drying and straightening her violet hair. The make-up she applied looked completely natural, except for her heavy black eye liner.

Whistling Avril Lavigne - Smile, she checked she had everything she needed for the day, and bounded down the stairs, new school rucksack slung over her shoulder. She heard her father laughing, "You're happy for someone who's going to school."

"What can I say?" she smiled, "Even I welcome order amidst the chaos that is my life at the minute." She made herself some toast, a toaster being one of the few appliances in the house, and ate it as she sat on the floor, her legs crossed. She drummed her fingers on her leg, like she was playing piano.

"What are you doing?" her father asked, confused.

But Lexie shrugged slightly, "Playing piano, without a piano, 'cause I'm cool like that."

He chuckled, "You're a very strange girl, Lexie."

"Yep!" she beamed, "That's why you love me, eh, dad? Anyway, some of us gotta be places, so I'm off. Don't die. Or get hospitalised. The same goes for the rest of the team."

"We'll try," he chuckled, "You watch your six, Lexie." Callen planted a kiss on the top of his daughter's head, "Behave yourself."

"Me? Behave?" she asked, jokingly, "Never. I'm stopping by the gym after school, because I have tournament in a few months, so I'll be home late." But her father just looked at her blankly, "My kick boxing tournament? I told you ages ago..."

"We'll talk about it later."

"Alright, but I'm holding you to that." And with that, she picked up her bag, loosely saluted in her usual fashion, and left the house. She pushed her ear buds into her ears as she walked the 8 block journey to her new school. In her 41 foster homes, she'd been at 30 different schools, but she'd never been to this one - Philamore Grange High School.


As she walked in the doors, she headed straight for the reception desk. Despite having many of these conversations, she was never sure how to start them, "Hi, it's my first day, so I need to get my schedule and stuff?" It wasn't much of a question, but she'd learned it was the best way to say it.

"Okay, honey, what's your name?" the woman on reception asked.

"Lexie Callen."

The woman flicked through her file, before pulling out a sheet of paper, and handing it to her, "Here's your schedule. Your tutors and rooms are all on there."

"Thanks." Lexie smiled. She looked at the schedule for the day, as she walked to her home room; Pre-calculus, Chemistry, French, Phys Ed, and Music. She walked into her home room, and everyone's heads instantly snapped around to her.

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