Author's Note

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Hello everyone <3

I started this book way back in the beginning of 2018 (which seems SO LONG AGO now wow), and it was the book that made me realize I wanted to dedicate myself to writing.

I'm not exaggerating when I say writing this book changed the entire trajectory of my life. I even have a tattoo that was inspired by this book lmao because I'm THAT attached to it.

A lot has happened since then. I've moved across the world to further pursue traditional publishing, I went to and graduated from graduate school where I studied fiction writing, I got a literary agent, and I began the process of becoming published. Oh, and I also revised and rewrote this book a hundred different times.

This book didn't go where I wanted it to, and I understand why now and am not upset about it, but I'm still very glad that I have wattpad to be able to share this story and the characters who changed my life and made me realize my dream.

Thank you everyone who has read this and liked it and connected to it. My main writing goal has always been to create books that could act as an escape and comfort to people who are going through a difficult time, and if this book did that to any of you, I've more than reached my goal ❤️

This has been a long, complicated, exciting, upsetting, and fulfilling journey, and I'm so happy to have been able to keep this work alive through this site and the people who are still with me even after all these years.

I may be working on new books and may have moved on from this world, but Gabriel, Jean, Lizabeth, and Marguerite will always be with me.

Au revoir for now.

But hopefully if I get enough interest, I can meet you all again in the sequel~

L'Ange de la Mort (The Art of Revolution #1)Where stories live. Discover now