Chapter 1: Hero Prince

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Katsuki was excited to tell his new friend that he has his own quirk. He was front of the door of (Y/n)'s house. When the door opened (Y/n)'s mom looked at the ash blonde boy.

“How may I help you?” Her voice was soft like her daughter.

“Um, I'm looking for (Y/n)... My name is Katsuki Bakugo, I live next here.” He pointed his house.

“Oh so you are the boy whom (Y/n) talked about ! Please come in.”

The boy walked in looking around the house. (Y/n)'s mom was calling her daughter.

“She will be here on a minute. Would you like some cookies I made?”

“Sure, um...”

“Irene (L/n) but call me Irene or mom since you are (Y/n) first friend.” She smiled to the boy.

The boy blushed at the fact that she let her call her mom and also by the fact that he is friends now with her daughter.

“Katsuki ! You are here ?!” The little girl runs to the little ash blond smiling.

“(Y/n) ! Guess what happened today ?!”

“I'll make the cookies, (Y/n) you can take your friend to our garden.”

“Yes mommy.” The girl took Katsuki hand and run to the backyard with full of flowers.

Katsuki stared at their hands and suddenly pushed her hand away from his.

“D-don't touch me...” He whispered but the girl heard it.

“Sorry... Anyways what you wanted to tell me?” The girl looked at him waiting for him to tell.

“Oh yes ! I got my quirk (Y/n) !”

The girl smiled brightly her hands clapped together. “Really ?! I bet is very strong !”

“Heh it is look !” The boy stared to make small explosions on his hands.

The girl looked at his hands amazed. “Wow~ Katsuki your quirk is amazing ! You can be the number one best hero like All Might !”

“Yes ! I'll be number one for you ! You gave me the spirit to have a strong quirk.”

The girl blushed. “Me? Um I just knew that you can be amazing because you look like one of those strong prince.”

“Uh? A prince? You see me like a prince?” The little boy was confused

“Daddy told me stories that the prince is very strong and always saves everyone like heroes do.”

“That's stupid. Prince doesn't exist only on fairy tales. Heroes are real and I'll be one.”

“Oh...” The girl looked a little upset. She was thinking that he can be her prince- no her Hero Prince.

“Kids ! Cookies are ready ! Also Katsuki mom's is here !”

The kids runs to the kitchen where Irene and Katsuki mom's was. Irene gave the kids the cookies while they eat them. Katsuki enjoyed (Y/n)'s mom cookies while Mitsuki asked his son why didn't he tell her she was visiting the girl he talked about.

“Shesh sorry, I was excited to show my quirk to (Y/n)...”

“Either way next time tell me. I'm sorry miss (L/n) if my son was a trouble...”

“No no, my daughter's friends are welcome ! And we are neighbors so don't worries. And can me Irene !”

“Thank you so much Irene. We most be going. Say goodbye Katsuki.”

“Goodbye (Y/n) and Irene.”

“Goodbye Katsuki and Mitsuki.”

The Bakugo walked over their house. Mitsuki told he son to next time tell her when he was on others people house. It was night and Katsuki opened his window and saw the girl opening hers has well. They stared at each other. The girl took the notebook and a marker. She written something for the boy to see.

“How are you?”

The ash blonde boy grabbed his notebook and a marker also. He stared to write something for her too.

“Fine. How about you?”

She stared writing.

“Happy ! Because of you. You will be so strong !”

He wrote something to her and showed it.

“Heh I will so I can be that Hero Prince you want me to be.”

ᴡᴏʀᴅs: 665


First Chapter ! I guess it was to fluffy or something. Anyways now that Katsuki has his quirk he will change a lot, like on the anime/manga. So he will be not that always fluffy >u> or who knows? Vote and comment ! <3

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