Hungary 2018 -- Max Verstappen

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It was the last race weekend before the summer break of the 2018 F1 season. You were joining Max this race weekend. After the free practices he has been in a pretty good mood. Although after the qualification his good mood had dropped. As well as Max you predicted the rain would improve his driving although the car didn't allowed it. The evening after the qualification you were trying your very best to brighten up his mood. You went out for dinner together with him and decided to have an early night in and watch some Netflix. "Max?" you asked and looked up at him whilst you were snuggled up in his strong arms. "Yes babe?" he said and looked down at you staring into your eyes. "Have I already told you that you're going to do great tomorrow although your starting position isn't that great right?" you said. Max laughed a little. "Yes, you have told me that many times tonight. Actually you've told me so many times that you've almost convinced me that I will do great" he says. "I just believe in you and I know you will give it your all" you say. Max his smile grew wider and he leaned down to press a kiss on your lips. "This is one of the many reasons why I love you. You just always know the right things to do to brighten up my mood" he says. Your smile grew wider and with that said you guys call it a night. Max needed a good rest to be up to his A-game tomorrow and you understood.

*the next morning*

You yawned and turned around seeing that Max was already awake looking at you. "Goodmorning beauty" he said and pressed a kiss on your forehead. "I hope you slept well?" he says and you nodded. "I could ask you the same thing. How did you sleep? You ready for today?'' you ask still a bit sleepy. "I was born ready" he says and almost jumps out of bed to get ready. You giggled a little by all of his excitement. You know for sure that your little plan to cheer him up last night had helped. A few minutes after you also came out of bed to get ready. By the time you both got ready you went to have breakfast and then went off to the circuit so Max could get ready and get prepared for the race. When you arrived at the circuit you guys went straight to the hospitality of Red Bull Racing showing your passes to the security guards. When you walked in you greeted everyone before meeting up with Daniel Ricciardo. "Good to see you again!" he says with the big smile he always has on his face. "Good to see you too Daniel! You ready to give it all you got for the race today?" you asked him whilst you gave him a hug. "Yesterday was a bit of a disappointment but I'm ready to give it my all today yeah" he says "I see you've cheered Max up a bit after yesterday" Daniel said laughing and wiggled his eyebrows, Max rolled his eyes. "Not like that" he says and laughs a bit. "But yeah she did cheer me up, she's actually pretty good at it" Max says and pulls you closer to his side. The three of you got interrupted by the crew telling Max and Daniel to get ready. 

"Go smash it out there! But also be careful" you say to Max always a bit afraid that something would go massively wrong. "Babe I know what I'm doing and you know that" he says confident and presses a kiss on your lips. "See you after the race" he says and got off. You settled yourself at the place from where you will be watching the race. Little did Max know that he would see you sooner than just after the race. The start was pretty good and you really had a good feeling about it. Until after a few laps... You looked at the screen and clearly there was something happening. "What's happening?" you asked. "We lost power" one of the engineers replied to you. You felt really sad for Max and you knew for sure that he would be so pissed off. It didn't took really long before Max showed up at the garage not even bothering to say hello or anything to you. He just went straight to the hospitality of Red Bull Racing. For a split second you didn't really knew if it would be a good idea to go after him but you still decided to go. 

You went after him following him to his room. You heard the door slam closed and it scared you a little. You stood at the closed door for a few seconds before slowly opening it and getting inside. "You know I'm not really in the mood for talking or anything right now" Max said in an angry voice you hadn't really heard in a while. "It's just that stupid fucking engine, for real it just never fucking works. How am I supposed to be world champion if that fucking engine isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing!" he blurted out the words. "Max..." you said and you tried to grab his hand to calm him down a bit but he pulled it away. "It's just so annoying you know! I'm so mad!" he says still in his full on angry mood. "Max, please try to calm down a bit" you said trying another time to grab his hand in yours, this time with success. You pulled him closer towards you hugging him tight. You felt him calming down a bit in your touch. "You're right it doesn't fix anything by being this angry, but it's still annoying" he says. You couldn't help but smile a little by hearing him saying you're right and you pulled back. "It's okay to be annoyed, I mean it annoys me as well because it makes you so annoyed if that makes sense. But there is nothing we can do about it now. We can't turn back time. We can't do anything unfortunately" you say. "You're right but it's so annoying when you can't finish the race because of an engine failure. Like it wouldn't be that bad if it was all my fault, if I did something wrong. Then I can admit okay it was my own fault and I will do better next time. This time I was trying my hardest and everything went great until I lost the power, again..." he says and you nodded understanding. "Just try and calm down a bit before talking to the press about it I think that would be better" you say kissing his cheek. "I have to go back to the garage to talk with the team cause I haven't been able to do that" he says and you nodded. "Then go do your thing I'll be watching the race from here and I'll be waiting here for you" you say and you saw a small smile appearing on his face. "I love you" he said giving you a quick kiss before going off. "I love you too" you said just before he went off. 

You sat down and watched the rest of the race from his drivers room, seeing that Daniel was doing so well looking back at the position from where he has been started. After the race you heard some movement at opened the door over Max his room seeing Daniel passing by. "Congrats Daniel your comeback was great!'' you say smiling. "Ah thank you Y/N, I have to admit I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved today since it's the best I could do" he says to you "how is Max doing? You have seen him right?" Daniel asked you and you nodded. "Yeah I've seen him he was pretty pissed off but I managed to calm him down a little. He's still annoyed but that I can understand" you say and Daniel nodded in agreement. "Yeah I can imagine. It's sad it was his car this time" he said. You agreed and then it was time for Daniel to get ready to talk to the press as well. After all the talking to the press and media Max came back to pick you up from his drivers room. "Seems like I'm done here" he says and walked up to you wrapping an arm around your waist. "Let's go back to the hotel so I can work on my frustration" he says with a small giggle "I mean I'm on a break now so it doesn't have to be an early night in" he says wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh my god I know what you're up to" you say in the back of your mind knowing what he was up too and he would made sure it would be a good night for the both of you. "Yeah... you won't be able to walk anymore tomorrow I guess" he says with a smirk whilst leaving the circuit with you. "MAX! You can't say that out loud" you say hitting his chest playfully whilst he still had an arm wrapped around you holding you close. "Oh yes I can" he says laughing as the two of you walk off to what's going to be a night to remember... 

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