Brother vs. love interest -- Max Verstappen, Lando Norris PART 2

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A/N: It took me a little while to finally write a part 2 of the Max and Lando story. I was really surprised and excited to see that a lot of you loved it! I hope you guys like the part 2 as well! Enjoy and thank you so much for the support, it means a lot :) 

You and Lando rushed to your place to start the conversation with Max. You opened the door of your apartment. You walked into your apartment to see that Max and all of his stuff was gone. "I think he left" you said a bit confused and turned around to face Lando who was standing right behind you. "So he just left without saying anything?" Lando said just as confused as you are. You looked around your apartment another time and noticed that there was a note on the kitchen counter. "Well not exactly without saying anything" you said as you walked towards the note and picked it up to start reading. "So what does the note say?" Lando asked. "It says that he is staying somewhere else this weekend and that I have to choose if I stay at the Red Bull garage this weekend or at McLarens. That's it" you say. "That's bad but how can he be so angry about this?" Lando asked. "I don't know but I guess what made it worse is that we or I have never told him anything about us" you said. "But you don't have to tell your brother everything right? I mean you have your own life as well" Lando said hoping it would make you feel a bit better. "That is true but the fact that I'm 'dating' one of his friends is a complicated thing I guess" you said now really knowing what to do. Lando and you stayed silence for a little while. "I don't know what to do right now. I mean if I stay at the Red Bull garage this weekend it will probably be awkward and I to me it feels like I let you down because I choose my brother over you. But if I stay at the McLaren garage this weekend it feels like I'm letting Max down" you say devastated. "I guess I just stay here this weekend and not go to the race to avoid any kind of trouble. Although I would really like to go". "NO! Don't do that!" Lando said. "If you really want to go, you should go. I'll be there for you" he said to support you. "Thank you Lando that is very sweet" you said and pulled him into a hug. All of a sudden Lando came up with an idea. "You know what, how about you stay at the McLaren garage this weekend and we both try and talk to Max about the whole situation? We will fix things and after you can stay at the Red Bull garage also without any awkwardness" he said. "I don't know if it is a good plan but sure let's do it. I mean we have to talk to Max sooner or later" you said.

The race weekend had started and you stayed at the McLaren garage just as planned. So far Lando and you didn't got the chance to speak to Max. He would always avoid the two of you. To him it was clear that you had chosen Lando instead of him. The press also noted that there was something wrong. Because why was the sister of Max Verstappen not there to support her own brother and why was she at the McLaren garage instead? Was she in love with Lando or with Carlos or was one of them there to support her after a fight she might have had with her brother? There were a lot of speculations but nobody so far had the courage to ask. After qualifying you, Lando and Carlos had settled down for a little chat at the motorhome of McLaren. You had a really great time with both of them. "I think I'm going to the hotel and rest, do you mind?" Lando asked you nicely. You nodded and gave him a hug. "I'll see you later tonight?" you asked him. "Of course!" Lando said and with that he walked off. The two of you didn't really wanted to show off that there was something going on between the two of you. For as far as everyone knows (except for Max) you were just friends. Carlos was still there. "Can I ask you something?" he asked politely. "Uhm yeah sure" you answered not really knowing what would come next. "You know I really like that you're staying the weekend here and everything but why aren't you with your brother? Is there something going on?" he asks. You try your hardest not to cry in front of Carlos because you felt like it was none of his business to know but you really felt like talking about it with someone other than Lando. "Can I trust you?" you ask him and Carlos nodded "of course you can". You told Carlos the whole story about you and Lando starting to date each other and Max finding out about it. About the note that Max had left, how you felt about everything and about how you and Lando tried to talk to Max and about Max avoiding the both of you. "He should never have let you choose between him and Lando" Carlos said a bit annoyed. "You know what I'm going to talk to him about this cause this is ridiculous he needs to man up and talk to the both of you so you can al figure it out. If that is okay with you of course?" Carlos asked. It seemed like a pretty good idea and you agreed with it. I mean Carlos knew Max well because of their years together at Toro Rosso so maybe this wasn't a bad idea. After some more talking you decided to head back to Lando.

You knocked on the door of Lando his hotel room. "It's me can you open the door" you said and soon after the door was opened. "What took you so long?" Lando asked out of curiosity "did you talk to Max?" he asked. "No I did not talk to Max but I talked to Carlos and told him everything and he is going to talk to Max because he was kinda pissed off about the fact that Max let me choose between him and you" you say. Lando was surprised to hear that. "Do you think that is a good idea? I mean doesn't it make things worse?" he asked. "I don't know but it seemed like a good idea. He wouldn't talk to us anyway and he knows Carlos and Carlos knows him so" you say defending your choice to get along with it. "I hope it will work then" Lando said. The rest of the night you and Lando talked, played some videogames and had a great time. "It's getting late I should head back to my own place" you say and stood up to grab your stuff. "No don't go! I'm not letting you leave all by yourself this late. Do you mind to just stay the night here? With me? Together?" Lando asked carefully hoping your answer would be yes. You thought about it for a second. "Okay fine" you said and smiled. "Wait that means we have to stay in the same bed together?" you said "isn't that like a very big step?" you asked carefully. "I don't mind, but if you're not comfortable with it I will sleep on the ground it's no problem" Lando said wanting to make you feel comfortable. "I don't mind either" you said and walked towards Lando to give him a kiss on his cheek. After that Lando pulled you closer and pulled you in for kiss. It was the first kiss you two shared and with that your relationship with Lando had just started.

The next day was race day and the two of you headed to the circuit. Both of you had decided to not show off your now relationship. You still wanted the press to believe that the two of you were just friends. Just before the race Carlos came up to you to tell you that he had talked to Max and that the conversation went well. "Just talk to him after the race it will be okay" Carlos assured you. Short after the race started. You were watching it from the back of the McLaren garage as unnoted as possible. The race went well and Max got a podium alongside with the two Mercedes cars. Lando ended up in the top 10 as well as Carlos. You both congratulated them but also felt a bit sad that you couldn't celebrate the podium for your brother with him. After the race you and Lando tried to find Max to talk to him but he had a press conference he had to attend. You and Lando decided to attend as well in the back of the room so that you could talk to him as soon as the press conference was over. A few questions were asked about the race and it was time for the final question. It was a question to Max. "Max this question may seem a bit of topic but we noticed that your sister Y/N did not attend the race at your garage this weekend. Instead we saw her at the McLaren garage. Would you like to explain what is going on? Because there are rumours you guys had a fight and that she's into a McLaren guy" the interviewer asked him straight forward. You and Lando looked at each other and then at Max curious and scared of what he was going to say. "Well...." Max started and noticed to two of you in the back....

A/N: Cliffhanger! Don't worry there is a part 3 coming up ;)

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