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Carter's POV

For once things seem to be looking up, I can't help but think as I make my way to Thea's. I managed to convince her to come with us to Paris. Only I didn't give her all the details about us going. She knows I'm a gang leader and I did say we were going on a business trip...but she could have also assumed that it's my father going on a business trip. 

Truth be told we're going to Paris so that I can talk to an old friend, one who will, without a doubt help me with my ever growing issue. KungFu Skulls and their utter complete dumbass of a leader Jack Evans.

The whole point of the trip is to talk about what we plan to do to take this little fucker down. Thats why Aiden, Zayn, Cameron and Sebastian are coming along. They're my most trusted men, and they know how to get a job done quickly.  My parents are just tagging along.

I just need to make sure nothing happens to my Thumbelina while we're here and that she doesn't find out about the rising gang war. I'm trying to keep her out of it but I know that's no longer possible. She's too fucking stubborn.

But she's apart of this war now and that's on me. Now others know she's my weakness. My fucking weakness. Ever since I started a gang I've never had one. Now I do and I swear on my fucking life I'll die before I let anything happen to her.

I shake my head as I pull up in front of her house and huff out an annoyed breathe. Nothing bad will happen I say to myself, she's safe with me. I get out of the car quickly and I ring the doorbell. Jax opens the door only seconds later.

"Carter, dro how are you?"

" I'm good." I tell him as we bro hug.

Someone clears their throat in front of us, Theo.

"You better take care of my sister, Mister." he says pointing a finger at me.

"Of course, Little Man." I reply ruffling his hair.

He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest before stomping off elsewhere into the house. Then I notice Thumbelina, standing by at the bottom of the stair case. With her bags on either end of her.

She's wearing a burgundy leather jacket with her black and cream top and a pair of black skinny jeans. which make her legs look fucking amazing might I add. I notice her check me out and I smirk walking up to her only to peck her forehead.

"You ready, Thumbelina?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, just let me say bye to Theo,"

I nod.

She calls her little brother and mom and they say good bye to each other. As they talk I gather all her bags and put them inside my car. Jax helps-we both carried a suitcase since she only had two. We stand outside leaning against my car, waiting for Thea to finish talking to Theo and her mo.



"Take care of her, I know she's stubborn as hell and that she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself but just don't let anything happen to her. She's my little sister and if anyone harms a hair on her head I'll kill them. That threat extends to you to."

"Don't worry man, I'll die before I let anything happen to her. And you don't need to worry about me hurting her, I never plan to. I don't have the heart too." I say while watching Thea.

He looks me in the eye and nods. We walk inside and I great Thea's mom. We all have a small conversation then I tell them we need to go. They nod and I grab Thumbelina's hand walking her to my car.

"And we're off to the airport," I hear Thea mutter as I make my way to the airport, with my one hand still holding hers.


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