Changes and Confessions

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He is dead. He should be dead. Yet his wound was.. gone. His eyes... Piercing blue and gorgeous as ever. White hair... Black again.. His clothes hadn't changed but that didn't matter.
Thomas Sharpe stood in front of a mirror in his house.
As a ghost, he had been floating around for many years. About 131 years now. 1887-2018. And he still hadn't found peace. Why? He didn't really know. Maybe because his sister, Lucille Sharpe was also roaming around, intending to kill everyone who dared to enter their house. Or maybe because he hoped to see Edith Cushing again, his former wife.
It wasn't really clear to him but he was glad he sticked around. He was there when people renovated Allerdale Hall - which was also the only time Lucille didn't want to kill people - and he was there when the new girl showed up to live in the house.
She was around 20 years old and looked very pleased as she entered the big house. "How many rooms are there?" (Y/N) wondered out loud. Now that was coincidence. She repeated the exact same words Edith had used when she first entered the mansion.

That was a few days ago.
Back to the mirror.
Thomas had made himself visible for (Y/N) when Lucille had chased after the girl with a knife, she had been invisible so she could creep up on her. But Thomas wouldn't let that happen and almost gave (Y/N) a heart attack when he rushed past her to grab his sister. Lucille also becoming visible, (Y/N) gasped and rushed towards her room.
Ever since, she and Thomas had been talking more and more. From very deep conversations about the past - though that only happened when Thomas felt like opening up - to very casual conversations about food for example. It varied from moment to moment.
And there he stood.
Slowly changing back to the form he took when he was alive.
Was it her? Could it be because of her? No. No one ever had that effect on him even though he rarely showed himself to people.

Ever so gently and carefully, (Y/N) touched our gentleman's shoulder, trying not to startle him. Thomas looked over his shoulder through the mirror and smiled gently at her.
"Everything okay, sir Thomas?"
She asked. Tone polite as ever. And no matter how many times Thomas told her she didn't have to call him sir, she kept her formality, taking him back in time when all the ladies used to do that with a few simple words.
"Everything is perfectly fine, my dearest,"
He replied as he slowly turned around to face her.
"I just noticed I'm changing in appearance." He explained. He took her hand from his shoulder and held it with a gentle grip in his own.
(Y/N) seemed rather confused. Changing? How so? Sure, lately he felt more human whenever they made skin contact, but other than that.. He always wore the same attire. Mostly dressed in black which suited his combed back black hair which seemed to disappear whenever she looked into those blue eyes. For her.. He had never looked differently.

Only when she saw Thomas' expression, she noticed that she had spoken out loud.
"So it is you.."
Was all the ghost whispered back.
A few days after that encounter, Thomas had only changed more. He became more visible, his skin was warmer and more solid.. more human.. and he wore the exact same clothes he wore the day he died.
It was like he was alive again. He surely felt like it.
The magic got even more crazy when he entered (Y/N)'s room and startled her. Usually she would feel the temperature drop and got notified by the somehow warmth he spread - unlike Lucille who only spread more cold - that it was Thomas who was approaching her. She told him so herself once when he had asked why she didn't jump like she did when she first saw him and like most people did every time he showed himself.
But that day.. she hadn't felt it. So when the door opened she jumped and turned around. The red summer dress she wore today twirling with her and her beautiful
(H/C) locks fell over her shoulder. Seemingly shining in the sunlight that bathed through the window; so noticed Thomas.
"I'm sorry, darling, I had not meant to startle you,"
He said in all honesty and with that ear-pleasing British accent of his.
"Though I did expect you to.. feel me approaching, all due respect."
"It's okay sir Thomas, I should have.. But I didn't."
(Y/N) answered just as politely and with that beautiful smile of hers.
"How so?"
Thomas asked in return. Confusion spread over his face as he too, tried to come up with a good explanation.
He couldn't.
Only if he thought of the impossible.
"I don't know.. But.."
Slowly, as if she was scared to scare him away, (Y/N) approached him. Raising her hand as she did so to place it on his cheek. His human cheek.
"You're.. human.. you don't feel cold, you feel very alive and.. You're breathing again."
Thomas hadn't even noticed the last fact. That what made him alive.
He was breathing and only now noticed how thirsty and hungry he felt.
Before he could stop himself, he had cupped (Y/N)'s face and kissed he passionately. Feeling surprised when she kissed him back with just as much passion.
Once they pulled away from one another, they smiled both equally bright.
"Thank you, my love."
"What for?"
"You made me feel thus alive that your magic made me human again."
"I don't think I have magic but love can do many things.."
Thomas gently pushed her back a bit to properly look her in the eye as he questioned her.
"You love me?"
A blush crept up onto (Y/N)'s cheeks. She answered with all Thomas wanted to hear.
"More than anything Thomas."
"And I love you too (Y/N)."

Little did they know that Lucille's ghost was lurking in the shadows. Forming a plan to kill (Y/N) in her pretty little mind.
She was not pleased at all and various questions raced through her head.
'Why her?'
'How was it possible?'
'Who is (Y/N)?'

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