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3 years later...

"I need this article done by Tuesday, Beverley. No more messing around." Sheila Woods, Beverley's new boss instructed. Beverley had gotten a job two years ago at NED (News Everyday). Three years ago, she got the idea to apply for a job out of anger for not getting any news about Ezra. She thought maybe she would be better at reporting news than the others. She was wrong. Writing articles everyday about stupid things wasn't what she had in mind. Now, she had a jerk for a boss, crappy co-workers and on top of that, she didn't make a whole lot.

This weeks article was about the after work traffic and how it affects kids. She had no interest in what she was writing, so she had failed to get it done by Sheila's deadline. Now Sheila was mad.

"I'm sorry. I will get it done." Beverley said as she continued typing. Sheila bent down next to Beverley.

"Look, I know the stress about Eddie has put you in a tough spot, but I think it's time to try and push through it. We're counting on you, Beverley."

"Ezra. And I am pushing through it. You have no idea what it's like. I'm dong a lot better than you assume, Sheila." Beverley snapped. Sheila just stared at her with cold eyes. This woman irritated Beverley so much. And the fact that she would bring up Ezra pissed her off.

"Get back to work." She said as she turned around and walked off. Beverley rolled her eyes.

Just then, she felt a large hand cover her eyes. She gasped.

"Guess who?" The person said. The voice was familiar. Jonah Evergreen. Her boyfriend for the past two years. Things had been going great. She really liked him. He was sweet to her. He treated her well, and he was quite handsome, too. He was tall and tan, with pitch black hair that was always gelled perfectly into place. He had these bright blue ocean eyes that made Beverley melt.

"Uh...Obama?" Beverley joked. The hand disappeared and Jonah came into view and sat on her desk with a brown bag.

"You wish." He said jokingly. Beverley laughed and pointed to the bag.

"What's that?"

"Brought you some lunch! Your favorite...lasagna!" He grinned as he handed her the bag. It wasn't her favorite. In fact, Beverley could barely tolerate lasagna. But, she still thought it was sweet that he brought her food. He was always thoughtful like that.

"Thanks, babe." She leaned over and kissed him.

"So, I was thinking since you got off early tonight, we could go to dinner. Maybe that Italian restaurant I was telling you about?" He smiled showing off his wonderful dimples. Beverley couldn't help but smile back.

"I would love that."

"Great. I'll see you later then." He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and headed off.

Beverley met Jonah at NED. He worked there for four years but quit because he got a job offer to work for WRAL. Now, he was the head news reporter for the stories that weren't the most relevant but still made it on TV. She was proud of him. Her boyfriend was a TV star. Well, not a star, but he was still on TV.

Jonah had a wife that passed away after two years of marriage. They never had kids or anything. He waited years before finally considering dating. Beverley felt his pain. She knew how hard it was to lose someone.

The loss of Ezra continued to kill her every day. She still hadn't given up hope that he was out there. She still believed that someday he would return, and everything would go back to normal. She hoped, at least. But for now, she had come to terms with the fact that life had to go on. And she was living it. She saw a future with Jonah, and hoped that maybe she would be promoted like he was. 

That night at dinner, Beverley felt like a princess. Jonah had picked her up at her house and brought her to the fancy Italian place he was talking about. She was dressed up in a fancy, tight white dress with a shiny silver necklace he had bought her, and her favorite pair of black heels. She couldn't do much with her hair. A year after Ezra's disappearance, she decided it was time for another change. She cut off most of her hair. Now, she was a blonde with a cute pixie cut.

"This place is amazing, Jonah. It's...very expensive too..." Beverley said as she observed the pricy items on the menu.

"I don't mind. You deserve the best." He smiled as he held up a bottle of wine that was sitting on the table. "Wine?"

Beverley nodded and watched as he poured her glass. Red wine was her favorite.

"Speaking of you deserving the best..." Jonah cleared his throat. Beverley sipped on her wine. "I've been thinking a lot lately. About how lucky I am to be dating such a beautiful, amazing, strong woman. I don't know what I did to deserve you. I plan to hold on to that for as long as I can. I don't want to lose that. So I want to take advantage..." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small blue box. Beverley set her wine down and widened her eyes. "And make you mine forever. Make you the happiest I can every day. And treat you like the princess that you are. So, Beverley..." He got out of her seat and kneeled on one knee. He opened the small box to reveal a big, shiny diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"

Beverley covered her mouth with her hands, speechless. Jonah waited patiently for her response, still holding up the box with hopeful eyes. She finally nodded and laughed.

"Yes! Yes, yes!" She felt her eyes water up. This amazing man just asked her to marry him. In front of every one in the restaurant. Jonah smiled and took the ring out of the box. Beverley held out her hand as he slid the ring on. It was a perfect fit.

The whole restaurant had just seen what had happened, earning them "hoots" and claps.

"I love you," Beverley whispered before she kissed the amazing man in front of her.


Anna and Beverley were basking out in the sun on the pool chairs of their neighborhood. Beverley had told Anna about Jonah proposing and she had freaked out. Beverley fiddled with her ring as she closed her eyes and soaked up the sun.

"I can't believe you're getting married." Anna said out of the blue. Beverley sat up and shielded the sun from her eyes.

"Why can't you believe it?"

"No! I just meant, because I'm so happy for you! Can I help pick out your dress?" Anna said excitedly. Beverley laughed.

"Well, being my maid of honor, or course you can!"

Anna's eyes grew wide. "I'm your maid of honor?"

"Yes, duh! Who else would I choose? Kimberley?"

Anna giggled. "Well, I mean, I thought you'd choose your sister or something."

"Lauren? No. I haven't even spoken to her since she moved out. When I was 14."

Anna shrugged but stayed quiet. She knew Beverley and her sister didn't end on good terms. She didn't know exactly what happened, but it didn't matter. Her friend was getting married. And she was the maid of honor.

"When's the wedding?" Anna asked.

"2 months!" Beverley answered.

"Well, then, we better start looking for that dress!"

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