The Start of Something New

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It was Sunday, October 21st, 2014 when Ezra got the news that they were moving. A week after his and Piper's first kiss. They had been spending time together every day since then. Ezra got more and more attached to Piper the closer they got.

Beverley had walked in on Ezra drawing at his desk to break the news.

"Hi, hon. Are you and Piper hanging out today?" Beverley said, easing into it. Ezra shrugged. He didn't know. He had ignored most of her calls. He was focused on his drawing. The one of the man. As Beverley got closer, Ezra slid the paper into his lap, so she couldn't see it. "What are you working on?"

"Nothing." Ezra said shortly. He didn't like when people interrupted his alone time. Especially when he was drawing.

"Oh," she said, laughing quietly.

"Do you need something?" Ezra said impatiently.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."


"Well...I wanted to tell you beforehand so it's not too much of a shock..." Beverley took a deep breath. "We're moving!" She said excitedly. Ezra blinked. He didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry...what?" He finally said.

"We're moving." Beverley repeated.

"I know, I heard you...but why?"

"Well," Beverley sat down on the couch next to Ezra's desk and placed her hands on her lap. "I figured after everything that's happened, you deserve a fresh start. We all do. And I thought why not start that out with a new house that we all choose!"

Ezra was speechless. He automatically thought of Piper. What would she say? "Where are we moving?"

"Jonah got a job offer in Pennsylvania-"

"Woah, what? Pennsylvania? That's like 8 hours away!" North Carolina was all Ezra knew. Even though he hadn't seen much of it.

"Yes, I know. I think it would be good for us. For you!" Beverley reached out and touched Ezra's hand. He pulled away and stared at her.

"No. I don't want to move." Ezra shook his head. Beverley cleared her throat. She knew it wasn't going to be easy convincing him. But she knew it was for the best.

"Ezra, think about it. It will be a new house. For new memories. And, no one will know your name. It will be new faces, and an opportunity to make new friends."

"I'm fine with the friend I have here." Ezra protested.

"Piper? I'm sure she will be just fine Face Timing you."

"No." Ezra shook his head.

Beverley sighed. She didn't really know how to get through to him. She knew he and Piper had been hanging out a lot, and she knew he would miss her, but other than her, Ezra had no friends there.

"I know this is sudden. But it's going to happen." Beverley stood and made her way to the door. Ezra scoffed. He hated this idea. Maybe it would be good to go to a place where no one would recognize him, but he didn't want to leave Piper. He didn't know how he would tell her.

He had never had a girlfriend before, but he was starting to feel like that's what Piper was. She acted like his girlfriend. He wanted her to be his girlfriend.

Ezra and Piper had made it their thing the past couple weeks to go to Hill Point, a park not far from Piper's house, and sit on top of the hill and stargaze. It was Ezra's favorite thing to do other than draw and paint.

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