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            Beverley Meyers smiled as she bounced her one-year-old, Ezra, in her lap. He screamed and giggled at her silly faces. Beverley tickled his stomach and sat him on the couch.

            "Did you have fun at the park, sweet boy?" She slipped off his tiny brown shoes. He responded with a little shriek. "Yeah! You looked so big in that swing!" Beverley praised as she sat him on the floor with his favorite toy. An etch-a-sketch. He liked to draw pictures, well, scribbles for hours. She ruffled his dark brown hair and kissed his head.

            Just then, loud footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. Beverley's husband Paul came into view with three bags slung over his shoulder, and one duffel bag clutched in his hand.

            "Where are you going?" Beverley questioned. Paul, startled, whipped his head towards Beverley and Ezra and froze on the middle of the stairs. His mouth opened, but he spoke no words.

            "W-what?" He finally choked out.

            "Why do you have all those bags, Paul?"

            "I thought you two were still at the park." Paul swallowed.

            "Paul," Beverley stood up and walked over to the stairs and crossed her arms. "Where are you going?"

            "Just-a business trip." He lied. Beverley narrowed her eyes at him.

            "Cut the crap, Paul. You were laid off three months ago. Now, answer the question. Where are you going?" Paul glanced at Ezra who was still playing silently with his etch-a-sketch, then returned his gaze to Beverley, looking guilty as ever.

            "I-I'm...leaving..." He trailed off, clutching his duffel bag even harder. Beverley felt her stomach tie in knots. She knew what was coming. Paul had been complaining since she was pregnant that he wasn't ready for a kid, and that they were moving too fast. After he was laid off from his job three months ago, Beverley had to put him in charge of Ezra a lot more because she was working double shifts at Nordstrom Rack to try and support them while he looked for a job. She could tell it was freaking him out. She tried hiring some nanny's, but none of them met her expectations for her beloved Ezra. She cleared her throat and composed herself.

            "Where." She hissed, quietly. Even though he couldn't understand any of it, she didn't want Ezra to hear this.

            "I'm leaving, Beverley." He stepped down the rest of the stairs and stood in front of her. His height caused still caused him to tower over her. She could see tears welling up in his eyes. She felt her eyes to water, too. She knew what he meant. He was leaving her. Ezra. But she needed to be sure.

            "What do you mean, leaving? For-for good?" She felt her voice crack. Paul sighed and looked down.

            "Yes. For good."

            Beverley sucked in a sharp breath. So, it was true. He was leaving. Her, and their baby.

            "How could you do this to us, Paul? To our child? What, he's just going to grow up without a father because you're too scared to take care of a kid right now?" She made sure to keep her voice down.

            "I can't do this, Bev. I'm sorry. I'm just no good at it. I-I wasn't ready. You know that! I wasn't ready to have a kid. We are both 22 years old. Hell, we're still kids!"

            "Yes, and now it's time to take care of ours! He needs us, Paul! Both of us. If not for me, do it for your son!"

            Paul stared into her eyes full of sorrow and guilt. "I'm sorry, Bev. I can't do it. I have to leave." He lightly pushed past her towards the door and placed his hand on it before Beverley went after him and yanked his arm. 

            "Where are you even going to go? Do you have a plan? Or are you such a baby that you have to run away now before you even know what you're doing?" Beverley's voice was raised now, but she didn't care. Ezra was occupied with his etch-a-sketch.

            "Beverley, stop..."

            "No, Paul! I won't stop! Unlike you, I have Ezra's best interest in mind. Did you even think about him?" A small tear trickled down Beverley's face. She felt her throat closing up. She knew no matter what she said, she wouldn't change his mind. He was going to leave. And that was that.

            "Yes, I thought about him. This whole thing is about him! He's better off without me, Bev. It's better this way." He opened the door slightly, but Beverley pushed it back shut.

            "What about me?" Her voice shook.


            "Is this just about Ezra, or do you not love me anymore?" She crossed her arms and looked him right in the eye.


            "No, I want to know! Do you love me?" Her voice was near shouting at this point.

            From the other room, Ezra started crying. Not loudly. But loud enough to hear. Paul paused before he answered.

            "Of course, I do. I love both of you so much." He said quietly. She shook her head. She felt like she was going to throw up. She took her gaze off of his eyes and looked away. She couldn't stand to look at him.

            "Yeah, right. Get out." She reached over and opened the door for him.

            Paul stared at it for a moment. Then her. Then, he finally stepped out of the door. As soon as he was out, it slammed behind him.

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