Loki's view - scene 1

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(This scene corresponds with chapter 2 of 'Coffee & Books'.)

The car stops in front of Stark Tower, his new home since this week. Loki gets out of the black city car and looks up alongside the towering building. It's not what he would have picked for a home, but it's better than that bare glass cell at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s. And at least he's not alone anymore, although he would not have picked these roommates either. Loki squares his shoulders and walks into the lobby, behind Thor, Lady Eir and Heimdall.

As always, Thor is feeling right at home here at Midgard. The big oaf is even wearing a T-shirt with an Avengers logo, displaying his love for his team of Midgardian superheroes. Or whatever they think of themselves. 'They wouldn't even be together if it weren't for me', Loki thinks to himself.

Suddenly, Thor sets off in the direction of the reception desk on the other side of the lobby, leaving his company waiting by the elevators. "Now what?" Loki sighs, staring after his brother.

The blond warrior scares a female mortal by popping up behind her and swooping a box of baked goods from her hands. Thor exchanges some words with the girl who is blushing and stuttering. Loki rolls his eyes and looks to Heimdall at his side. "Can you go get him? He's making friends again."

"You should try that once," is the dark-skinned gatekeepers reply, but he walks over to Thor anyway.

Loki pushes the elevator button and holds the doors open until Heimdall and Thor have joined them again.

"Look! Muffins!" Thor holds up the paper box he took from the girl.

"Did you just steal from a mortal?" Loki taunts his brother, while allowing Lady Eir to walk into the elevator before him.

"No, no. Stark ordered them. At least, I think so. I'm just taking these up to him." Thor smiles and takes another look inside the box. The guy is practically drooling already. "Nice girl by the way, old Norse name. Little Wolf."

"We'll be seeing more of her," Heimdall says cryptically.

Loki cocks his eyebrow as the gatekeeper looks at him in a peculiar way. Why would he want to see the mortal girl again? He turns his head to look in her direction. She is watching the elevator, probably still a bit stunned after meeting Thor. Little Wolf, or Ylva. Fierce name. She doesn't look fierce.

The elevator doors close and Loki forgets about the mortal girl in the lobby. If only Heimdall would stop staring at him; Loki can feel the golden eyes looking at him, even though he can't see them through the sunglasses.

Author's note: Artwork on top of this chapter by the talented Nanihoo.

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