The Beginning

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Tsunayoshi the sky of all. (TTSOA)

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Amano Akira-Sensei own it. If I owned it I would certainly be richer than now.

Warnings: Grammatical mistakes (I am French, English is not my first language) and use of swear words.

Author Note: I wanted to tell you that I was inspired by someone who wrote this story I don't want to copy but I wanted to do it in my own style and wanted the rest so voila here I come with this story.

· I am reposting this story because it was erased because of a silly and clumsy mistake of mine... I took the opportunity to re-write my chapters in hope of improving them and adjust my mistakes. I hope that it will please you even more than before! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: The beginning

This story takes place in Japan, in Namimori, a small town.
It was early in the morning the town begins to slowly wake up, we could hear the birds chirping and see them flying.
In a certain neighborhood we take our attention to a beautiful big house-like-villa...
A beeping sound was heard from a digital clock only to be stopped by a quick hand.
The hand then retreated under a bundle on a king sized bed.
Little by little the bundle began to move and we could soon see long ombré hair belonging to the lean body of a boy or should I say, a young man.
This young man was Sawada Tsunayoshi or Tsuna for short.
And like every morning, he woke up one hour before his brother.

Tsuna's POV
Sitting up, I yawned and stretched my arms.
I sigh, bringing myself on the edge of the bed and tell to myself: "Okay, I'm ready."
I pull my wheeling chair beside my bed and pull myself up. Wobbling a little I straightened myself and tried to walk some steps before sitting. While doing my step my legs gave out, as excepted. I was going to fall but I managed to take a hold of my desk, pulled myself up and sat on my wheelchair. Sighing, I couldn't help but find myself disappointed but I needed to go on and began my morning routine, showering, then putting on my clothes and braiding my hair.


The room of Tsunayoshi was spacious with a king-sized bed on the side along the wall, his desk on the other side with a tv on it, a laptop and books cleanly stacked. There were two doors, one which was a pastel blue with little clouds on it leading to the bathroom and another one to the room of his brother which was white with golden flames on it.
Tsuna wheeled his chair out of the room to take the elevator to the kitchen and began cooking breakfast.
Hearing some noises upstairs he smile softly and sigh fondly shaking his head.
Footsteps could be heard coming down from the stairs and soon a teenager enter the kitchen.
"Ohayo Tsu-chan." The boy said softly, he bending down to kiss him on the cheek. Tsuna smiled and said,
" Ohayo Take-kun did you sleep well?". Straightening himself Takeyoshi looked at Tsunayoshi. "Yeah but it was because I was tired because of that paperwork." He said a morose aura around him.
"Ha ha well hurry up and eat or else you'll be late and Kyo-chan won't be happy." Tsuna said with a sweat drop. 'I think that paperwork are his worse enemies'
"Right I'll be going then!" He said, only to be stopped by his brother.
" Ah! Wait a second! "
Takeyoshi turned around to see Tsuna holding two bentos, one orange and the other purple.
Tsuna made him bend down to straighten his vest along with his tie and gave him the bentos.
" Also tell Kyo-chan and Tetsu-kun to come here after school ne? I want to test some new recipes." Smiling at him, he turned around and walked towards the door.
"I will, bye Tsu-chan Ittekimasu!"
With Takeyoshi
Takeyoshi was walking in a quick pace as he was thinking about his big brother. Takeyoshi know that his Aniki is saddened by the loss of his ability to walk. After all he and their papa were saddened too. It was something that he was still mourning over sometimes and he knew that Tsuna hadn't completely mourned his loss.
When Tsuna could still walk he had the grace of a dancer, he was not even walking, he was gliding, but he also was fierce, always walking with his head held high like a lion king. Graceful and and confident. Takeyoshi and Iemitsu swore to protect their Tuna-fish, because they already lost the Mother of the house, Nana Sawada, they decided that whether he he could walk or not Tsuna was still their Angel and nothing could change that.
For their protection, Iemitsu had installed a lot of hidden weapons in the house and outside; he even told Takeyoshi about the mafia and trained him in martial arts and self-defense as much as he could when he was in Japan.
Snapping out of his thought as he arrived in front of his school, he entered the school and walked toward the student council room.
After sitting and doing his paperwork he heard a knock and he told the person to enter knowing that only two people were that early inside the school beside himself.
"Sawada Takeyoshi." A young man, with black hair and blue/gray eyes said standing in front of him. He was wearing the standards white button up shirt and blacks slacks and shoes but he was also wearing a coat hanging on his shoulders with a red armband on it. "Ohayo, Kyoya." He was staring at him silently only to just grunt at him. "Tsu-chan would like it if you and Tetsuya could come home with me after school, he wanted to try new recipes." Nodding, Hibari Kyoya or better known as 'The Demon Prefect' turned around, his cloak fluttering around him in all his glory and went in the DC office.
'The other students will soon enter the school I should go.' and with that as his final thoughts, Takeyoshi went to his class, ready for his first lesson.

(Edit: I have rewritten the chapter, I think it is better that way 😁 09/01/2019)

I hope you enjoyed! And if you have read, NO this story is not stolen I just erased it by mistake and took the opportunity to rewrite it!

See you all soon to the next chapter!

Kisses my little kittens!! 😘❤

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