You're Here!

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                I was at home waiting for Brian to get home from College as i got home before him. I'm Brittany Mathews. Brian Kelley is my best friend as of the 6 grade. we have went to the same schools and now are at the same highschool. Brian is actually 5 years older then me but he actually got held back 2 years and i was a year ahead so we ended up being a year apart in schooling. before i had moved to Florida, i had lived in Monroe Georgia where i lived right next to my friend Tyler. after i moved we lost touch. Me and Brian live together because we thought it was easier that way. i had a crush on him but no one really knows besides my other best friend Halley. i heard a honk and looked out and smiled. it was Halley. "Come on Stone!" Stone was our little puppy. he was a black doggie and we loved him. Brian got him for me. "Hey Halley!" we hugged. "Brittany! I can't believe your almost finished with College! hey Stone." i laughed. "Yeah well they have really good motivators there." we started walking down the trail behind our house. "Yeah a good Brian Kelley motivator." i hit her. "We're friends." "Admit it Brittany. you love him." i smiled then frowned. "That doesn't mean it'll ever happen tho. Me and Brian are friends and if i ask him out i'm afraid i'll ruin everything we've created as friends." "That's it Bailee. Your fears are getting the best of you. i think that's your problem with music to. your afraid you'll ruin everything even tho you have me and Brian behind you every step of the way." i nodded and then we heard a honk. i looked at her and then Stone who barked. i laughed and ran. it's been a month since i've seen Brian since i switched to online schooling for the college. Stone stopped and just barked at the end of the trail. I stopped beside him and looked straight. There he was. at the end of his Chevy Tahoe, getting a duffel bag out. "Brian?" he looked at smile. "Brittany."  it really was him. "Brian!" i ran and jumped on him. he smiled and caught me. "Hey Bae bae." i looked at him. "You're not supposed to be out yet tho." "We got out early so i came here to surprise you." i smiled and got off. he ruffled Stones hair and then i heard a familiar voice. "Am i gonna get introduced to the pretty lady or what Brian?" i looked over and i think i remember that face i jut stared at him and then it clicked. "Tyler?" he looked at me and he smiled. "Hey Mrs. Moto Country." i giggled and hugged him. "It's been years." "You left me right before 6 grade." "Yeah but i met Brain which speaking of." Brian knew and turned around. i jumped on his back and laughed. Halley came out and stood next to Stone. "Alright love birds." "Wait you two are dating?" "No!" i heard Brian mumble something along the lines of i wish and i just smiled. Halley cleared he troat and looked at me. "Oh Tyler. this is my friend Halley. Halley this is Me and Brian's friend Tyler Hubbard." they shook hands and i knew something was gonna be there. "Wait Tyler why you here?" Brian let me down and smiled at me. "Ummm well Tyler needs a place to stay so here we are." i giggled and looked at him. "There's only 3 rooms and your parents are coming in 2 weeks." Halley looked at me and smiled. "Why don't you and Brian share a room and then Tyler has his room and his parents have a room." i looked at her and was about to say something when Brian spoke. "Actually that's not a bad idea. we've probably seen a lot more then a lot of best friends shouldn't see." i hit him and laughed. "I'll go start cleaning out my room." i went inside and just smiled. I'm sharing a room with my crush.

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