A Way To Get Stares

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One of Nixon's favorite spots in the small town he resided in was the little record store down a few blocks from his home, tucked between the library and the only grocery store located within city limits.

The buildings old. The red bricks are faded to a dull orange, with bright green vines growing over the exterior walls to contrast. The sign is dirty and the paints chipped. It doesn't look inviting, but Nixon loves it none the less.

Shelves of records and CDs are lined in an organized manner, fancy old guitars are strung up on the walls, along with neon signs. There's a drum set in the corner of the room. Dark wood covers the floors and beige paint is plastered onto the walls. It's quaint and relaxed, fitting the personality of the woman who runs it.

Nixon is standing in a row of records, his hands flip between vinyl covers with a light layer of dust. They're old, unpopular musicians. Band and artist people wouldn't recognize or give a second look, exactly the type of things Nixon finds interesting. Next to him is a wide window view of the main, virtually empty street that runs through the town.

Levi was walking down the sidewalk, his eyes flickering between the print sprawled across the pages of a freshly checked-out book and what was ahead of him, though he paid more attention to the aforementioned. The next time he looks up, momentarily pulling himself out of the fictional realm, he catches the smallest glimpse of brunette hair and a familiar grin. It takes only a few moments for him to recognize the features. It's Nixon, one of his very few friends.

They'd only met relatively recent, roughly a couple weeks, but Levi's already placed a value on their friendship. They've hung out a few times since Nixon had wiped out on his skateboard and he came to his rescue. Most of the times it was at his aunt's cafe, mostly because Nixon adored the cake there. Levi was pretty sure he'd end up with a cavity soon.

He had a lot of fun with Nixon. He was different from his only other friend, nicer and with seemingly way too much energy, but it was a good type of different, a type of different he found himself quickly taking a liking too.

So, after a moment of thinking, debating on what he wanted to do, he changes his route. He pushes open the door to the record store, setting off the small ring of a bell.

He walks down the main aisle, blue eyes bouncing around the building. They scan the shelves and guitars, and signs. In all of the years he's lived in the town, he's never been inside - or even really been interested in doing so. Music has never been something he's been all that into.

His gaze flickers between aisles, looking for the familiar face the had dragged him into the store. He spots him in the last row, staring intently at a record almost comically covered in flames and skulls. Levi walks beside the shelf, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Nixon hasn't noticed him yet as he turns the vinyl over, eyes scanning the song titles on the back. So, he takes it upon himself to speak up.

"Wow, what a nerd." His voice is quiet, as it always is, but it lulls with a teasing tone.

The sudden sound earns a small jump from Nixon. He looks over, letting out a small sigh of relief. "Jesus, Levi. You scared me," He pauses eyes flickering to the book in Levi's hand being held against his side, "Says the one with mile thick book in his hand." A small snort follows in suit. "I'm in a music store, that's not that  nerdy."

Levi's eyes flicker down to his book in hand, giving a nearly embarrassed laugh. "I would've expected you in some kind of skateboard store, or something more hipster."

"Records are pretty.. hipster," He replies, "I thought you would've been a cafe, or a nerdy book place."

Levi smiles, "Actually I was on my way to may aunt's from the library, so you've thought correctly." He looks around, seeing jukebox tucked off to the back of the store in the corner. With his attention capture he walks towards it. "My aunt has one of these in her cafe," He points out, looking back over to Nixon who was just now setting the record down.

Nixon turns his body around, facing Levi. He looks at the jukebox, smile spreading across his face. "Oh yeah! They're pretty sweet!" He walks over, hands digging into the pockets of his jeans. "I might have some change, we can play something." Pulling out a couple quarters. "You should've told me there was one at the cafe, I could've played some bops."

Levi's face displays a small sliver of confusion as he looks from Nixon to the old timey technology in front of him. "It plays music? I just thought it was some weird decoration my aunt had."

This earns a laugh from Nixon, who definitely found it more amusing than it actually was. "I thought you were supposed to be smart?" He teases.

Levi's face contorts with slight surprise, "I am smart, I just.. don't know a lot about stuff like this."

Nixon is still thoroughly amused, and his wide grin and entertained tone show it clearly. "They've been around for like, ever? How do you not?"

He feels his face slowly heating up, embarrassment making way to the forefront of his mind. "No one at the cafe uses it. Stop making fun of me." Levi doesn't sound angry by any means, there's still a small smile resting on his lips, it's now just accompanied by hints of embarrassment.

"Ok, ok," Nixon dials his amusement down to just a wide grin, "That's just funny. I thought everyone knew about these things." He pushes the silver coins into the slot of the machine before scrolling through all of the songs on it. Seeing one he personally adores he decides on it.

"What song did you-" Levi's cut off by the sudden sound of footsteps followed by female laughter. His eyes widen, and in that moment he knows he's done for. "You didn't, you wouldn't."

A large, cheeky grin spread across Nixon's face like butter on toast. "I did. I would."

It only takes a very short moment for the overly excited boy's hand to be wrapped around Levi's. He grabs him as the bubbly pop plays over the jukebox, dragging along the half-willing teenager.

Once they're out into the larger main aisle Nixon starts belting out lyrics with no signs of shame. It only takes a minute for the singing to turn into embarrassingly bad dance moves.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends!" He's loud, a bright smile across his features. Levi thinks it probably hurts his face to smile like that.

In a horrifying moment Nixon points directly at him in a dramatic over the top way, and Levi panics. He'd notice the judgemental looks over the few other people in the store, including the owner herself. He knows that they're now looking at him, and he's never truly been one for being the center of attention.

"Make it last forever, friendship never ends." Levi's a lot quieter, his voice coming off unsure. He doesn't have nearly as much confidence when it comes to these things as his friend, but he can't seem to stop himself from playing into his antics.

With in the next few moments Nixon has began dancing around him, and it takes about half of the song, but Levi eventually finds himself joining in, having just as much fun. He doesn't even have time to think about how he'd forgotten about the people around them.

At the end of the song, Levi finds himself in a fit of giggles, despite the judgemental stares of the old man in the aisle across from their previous dance party.

"That was the stupidest thing I've ever done," He says, his own wide grin on his face.

"But it was fun," Nixon says, still holding his own smile.

"Yeah, it was."

Levi finds out that it doesn't hurt to smile that much, and that instead, it's a pleasant feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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