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"If my charger isn't in John's room, then it's probably in his parents room!" Said iPad. He opened the door and started walking in the hallway towards John's parents room. He comes in and starts to look around. "Hmm" Said iPad. "I don't see it anywhere!". iPad starts to think about all the places a charger could be. "Maybe in the drawers" said iPad. He looks inside every single drawer, but the charger isn't there. "Shoot! Where else could it be?" Said iPad. Suddenly the computer which is in John's parents room turns on. The computer is huge! iPad looks up all terrified.
"What are you doing here?" Said Computer with a very deep voice. "I- I'm just looking for my charger, sir." Said iPad. "A charger? Ha ha ha! I don't need a charger! Said Computer.
"You're lucky!" Said iPad. "Chargers suck!".
"I may know where it is" Said Computer, "It is most likely downstairs!"
"I haven't thought of that!" Said iPad, "I'll go and start looking for it in the living room, thanks Computer! Oh, i mean, Sir."
"No problem kiddo!" Said Computer.
iPad starts walking towards the hallway. As soon as he arrived to the stairs, another noise pops up. *Beep beep beep*. "Oh shoot!" Said iPad, "i only have 10% now, i need to hurry!"

The little iPad who searched for his chargerWhere stories live. Discover now