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"Now i can finally have a good Summer, sadly without John though!" Said iPad.
iPad needed to fully charge, so he decided to sleep.
The next morning, iPad woke up. He looked at his battery and it was a full 100% charged battery. "Yoohoo!" Yelled iPad.

*2 weeks later*

iPad was watching TV when all of the sudden, he heard keys wiggling around making a loud noise outside. "Oh, they're back!" Yelled iPad. He quickly turned off the TV and ran to John's desk, which is where John put him last, before he left.
*John runs up the stairs and opens the door to his room*
"Sit still!" Whispered TV to iPad, "John can't find out that we're alive!"
iPad sat still but was very excited on the inside.
"iPad!!!" Yelled John, "I forgot you! I'm sorry iPad" Said John.
John quickly grabbed iPad so he could play his favorite game on it. iPad was very happy that John was back home from vacation.

The End.

The little iPad who searched for his chargerWhere stories live. Discover now