I can't give up

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iPad starts running downstairs. "Have any of you seen my charger?" Yelled iPad to all the devices downstairs like the big TV and the Playstation. "I have seen a black charger somewhere downstairs, i have no clue where it is exactly though" Said TV. *Sigh* "I won't give up, I've come so far. I'll search harder!" Said iPad.
iPad starts walking towards the kitchen. "Have any of you seen a charger somewhere?" Asked iPad to the oven, microwave and fridge. "Yes!" Said Oven. "I've seen it behind the couch! John must've forgotten it and left it there" Said Oven.
"Thank you so much, Oven!" Said iPad.
iPad started walking towards the couch, but he forgot what Oven had told him. "Did Oven just say in front of the couch or behind the couch?" Asked iPad to himself. "Oh shoot!" Said iPad.
He starts searching in front of the couch but couldn't find his charger anywhere. Suddenly again *Bleep bleep bleep bleep*
"Oh no! My battery is at 3% now, i have to hurry up even more!" Said iPad.
iPad kept searching in front of the couch until he became tired. "I can't do this anymore, i'm too tired but i also can't give up" Said iPad.
He starts to walk behind the couch to search for his charger and TADAA!! "There it is!" Yelled iPad. He grabbed his charger and started to run towards the wall to plug it in. *Bloop* iPad plugged it in and attached the charger to himself. *Ching ching ching ching* his battery started to charge. "Ahh, finally!" Said iPad.

The little iPad who searched for his chargerWhere stories live. Discover now