5 - the "Date"

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The only sound in the kitchen was the gentle clinking of silverware against plates. Just like the last few times they had all eaten at the table together, Misato was the only one attempting to make conversation. It wasn't Shinji's fault, he just couldn't look Asuka in the eye after what happened last night.

"So, Asuka, you've got another date tonight?" Misato said in a tone that implied any further silence would mean double chores tomorrow. "Don't you think you're taking things a little too quickly?"

"It's not a date," Asuka said around a mouthful of potatoes. "Hikari won tickets to some stupid movie and she doesn't have anyone else to go with. I'm just going for the popcorn. Maybe she'll get bored and we can leave early."

"That's nice," Misato said with forced cheerfulness. "And how about you, Shinji-kun? Any plans?"

"Yes," said Shinji.

Both Misato and Asuka stared at him.

"I promised to help out with a project at school. It starts at four o'clock and I'll probably be stuck there for a few hours."

"Oh," said Misato. "It's not like you to volunteer at school. What kind of project is it?"

"It's something the theater club is putting together. An allegorical play about the Osaka Riots."

"Wow, sounds important. Do you need me to drive you?"

"No," said Shinji, a little too quickly. "I mean, I can walk. I need the exercise."

"See, Asuka?" said Misato. "You should give Shinji a little more credit. When was the last time you helped out with a school project?"

Asuka stabbed a potato as if it had been solely responsible for the rape and murder of her entire family.

"Let's see," she said in mock thought. "Never. Happy? It's not like I don't do enough around here!"

Misato blanched. "What do you mean? You don't even do half the chores you're supposed to! Shinji's always the one who has to pick up the slack."

Asuka slammed her fork down and stood up. "It's not like I ask him to do my chores!"

"Someone has to do them, Asuka." said Misato.

"I'm finished," Asuka scoffed, tossing down her napkin and walking away.

"Asuka, get back here and clean off your plate!"

"Why don't you just make Shinji do it?" Asuka shouted from the other room. "Doesn't he do everything around here?"

Misato sighed. "That girl's going to give me gray hairs if this keeps up."

Shinji absently pushed his food around his plate. "Misato, why do you think my father never got re-married?"

Misato blinked. "Huh? Oh, I don't know. I haven't known him for very long. You know how it is... stuff like that just doesn't come up between us."

"I just thought... maybe you heard something..." Shinji didn't look up from his plate. "Do you think he might get married again if he found the right person?"

== Raising A Boy == Shinji x Asuka x Kaworu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)Where stories live. Discover now