Chapter 10

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So today is 23rd of July… which means: The boys’ 4th anniversary! J So happy for them! So I though I could do a chapter which is also at the 23rd of July… so here it is!

Hope you like it X


So, here I am, standing between thousands of screaming teenagers and I’m so annoyed with myself.

Yesterday evening Elly asked me if we could also come here a little bit earlier. Not having planned anything before, I agreed. So we’ve been standing here since 9 am?! And it’ll start at 7 pm. Luckily, I’ve at least thought of my earplugs which means that I don’t hear all those crazy girls. But my mobile is running out of battery. I have a look at my watch. It’s 5:30 pm.

“Elly? I wanna ask you something!” She doesn’t notice me so I wave with my hand in front of her face but she’s still ignoring me. What the hell?! She should be so thankful that I’m doing all of this for her.

“ELLY! Listen!” She finally looks at me.

“Sorry, didn’t hear you. It’s so loud here. What’s wrong?”

“When are they gonna let us inside?” I ask her.

“Laura, it’s open air.” She reminds me sarcastically.

“Oh no, really?” I have to laugh. “But we aren’t standing in the area where the concert takes place. We’re still in front of some guards. Which are closed. So when will they be opened?”

“I don’t know, we’ll see.” She answers, shrugging with her shoulders.






My mobile suddenly rings and I see a new message of Vanessa, one of my friends:

Heard that ur at the 1d concert. My sis is so sad that she didn’t get tickets :D how is it so far? X

Hell, she should be lucky that she’s not here. It’s already half an hour AFTER the ‘beginning’ and there’s still no sign of the band.

Don’t know. They haven’t showed yet. I’ll tell u later. X

I answer before my mobile finally switches off. Battery’s empty.

At least we’re standing in the front row and Elly’s happy. I know that she’s been waiting for that moment for such a long time though I hardly understand why it’s so cool standing as close to the stage as possible. Elly said that they could see you and even wave to you. But I still don’t understand why this would be so cool. They’re waving to hundreds of girls each day.

My mom had told me it would be a good experience but you know. It’s one of those “Never again” experiences. I’ve just promised myself that I won’t go to any concerts of boygroups again. It’s really annoying when those fans are fangirling.


“Come on, guys! You’re too late.” An assistant reminds us.

“Calm down, will you?” Zayn asks, me smiling.

I’m so looking forward to this evening. It won’t be a normal concert.

First, it’s our first “surprise surprise concert” and second, it’s the 23rd of July today which means it’s our 4th anniversary. That’s pretty cool. Playing a concert on such an important date.  

The assistant leaves, being a bit huffy. I have to laugh.

“Come on guys. Time for a huge group hug!” I scream. We’re hugging each other and saying a motivation dictum. That’s an old tradition of the five of us. But the dictum is always a different one.

Behind me is a camera man who is filming us. They want this concert to be a part of our new film. Rob told us that this would be good publicity. We are used to all those cameras anyway.

“Okay, two more minutes and then you can go on stage. You remember the order of the songs?” The assistant who has returned asks us.

“Of course we do!” Louis answers a bit nerved.

“You’re sure? What’s the first song?” she asks us. God, she’s really annoying. But I’m in such a good mood so I answer her with a smile:

“Midnight Memories. We have the same program as ever, remember? So we really do know it after like 200 concerts!”


Finally, there comes a man on stage.

“Is he in this band?” I ask Elly surprised. Not that he isn’t handsome… he’s just a bit old.

“No! Of course not. I think he just announces something?” she answers, not looking at me. Just concentrating on the stranger.

“Sooooooo!” He screams in the microphone. “LONDON! Are you guys ready for ONE DIRECTION?”

Everybody around me starts to scream like hell and I just try to keep my ears shut.

“What? I can’t hear you!”

They scream even louder than before – if that’s possible.

“Okay. So be ready for Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Liam Payne and …” he holds the microphone to the crowd and they continue: “Niall Horan!”

What? Have they just said Niall Horan?! No, no I’m sure they haven’t.

But I wanna be sure.

“Elly, Elly! Have they just said Niall Horan?

She looks at me with a confused gaze. “Yes?!”

“No listen, N – I – A – L – L- H – O - R –A – N!”

“God, you’re so crazy. Of course!”

She shakes her head before she concentrates on the stage again.

And then they’re coming.

And it is true. It is the Niall Horan.

The Niall Horan I got to know only some days ago.

The Niall Horan who behave like he was a normal guy with a normal job.

Okay, he still might be normal but he surely doesn’t have a normal job. God, he’s a member of the most popular boyband at this time. And he hasn’t mentioned once.

Shit. Why have I agreed to come to this fucking concert. The next two hours will be hell. I don’t want to see him.


“London!” I scream. “We’re so, so happy to be here tonight. Make some noise!”

I laugh and the girls start screaming which makes me laugh even harder. I wave at some girls in the front row and at leat two of them start crying.

Although it’s often hard to be in this position because of the damage of privacy, I would never ever want to change. I love all our fans. They’re the most important persons to me… after my family of course.

Harry starts to sing the first words of Midnight Memories and Liam and I are walking a bit down the stage, waving at as many fans as we can. I smile at each of them and sometimes even wink at them. But then suddenly I stop.

There’s a girl, standing in the crowd, who doesn’t cheer and sing as all the others. 

She's got brown long hairs...

And I recognize her at one... it's Laura!

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