3. The Dungeon

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Hoseok P.O.V

The Dungeon was full. Competitors, spectators, announcers, challengers, just people who were there to cheer on their faves. As soon as I stepped in, I noticed the swarm of people who were screaming my name.

"Hey Hoseok! Hey Hoseok! Hey Hoseok!" The chants kept going and going, never stopping, sometimes accompanied by screams and ear screeching sounds, mainly from thirsty girls.

I had a... a special reputation in the Dungeon.

I was the number one bet, the best of the best. If people went to the Dungeon every night, it was because they expect to see me there at least twice a week. I had won underground international range competitions numerous  times. They had given me the title of "the Undergod" and I have maintained it for the past 5 years.

"Hey Hoseok! My man, how's it going?" I see Henry coming towards me, waving his hands, clearly excited he saw me at the Dungeon today.

"Nothing much bro. Mainly just been 'round. How have you been doing bro? Anything new from the rap world? Jooheon still the Undergod or..?" I added the last sentence with a chuckle.

"Nah bro, Jooheon stepped down. This dude from Daegu came. Calls himself Agust D. Our Undergod lost his title immediately to the new dude."

"Huh? Daegu you said?"

"Yea bro. I tried to get some information on him, but all there was is the fact that he was the King of Daegu for over 4 years."

"Huh. Interesting. Yo thanks Henry. I'll try to ask some Daegu friends about this. I'm sure they'll know something. I gotta go dude, Mark is waiting for me!"

"Aite man! See ya another time. Maybe ill introduce you to Daegu guy." He waved at me and I waved back, running through the crowd to try and get to Mark.

A couple of minutes passed and I reached the stage.

"Aye Mark!!" I screamed out trying to get his attention. He quickly noticed me and called back.

"Hoseok!! Ayo dude how's it going? You been missed around here bro! The Dungeon is boring without you."

"Aye, but I'm here now, aren't I?" I added, earning a laugh from Mark.

"Wait dude I'm gonna announce you're here." He said and quickly climbed back up the stage.

"Hello Dungeon Fanatics!!! How's everybody doing tonight?" A chorus of "yeah" and "woo" filled the entire arena.

"Well I have some more exciting news for you all to hear!! The One and Only Undergod, Hoseok is here!!!!" He stretched out the whole  last sentence, making sure every single word was emphasized to the extreme. The room was filled with another chorus of cheers and excitement from everybody in the arena.

I got up the stage too and saluted everyone, making sure to use some hand movements to make them scream louder. Once again, everyone in the room was screaming out my name, chanting "Hey Hoseok!" over and over again. I felt the energy and excitement in everyone's voices, and that made me want to burn the stage tonight. Like I do every other day.

"Alright everyone, calm down a little. Today, our Undergod was brought here by COMPETITION!" The room was now filled with a chorus of boo's and my smirk grew even bigger.

"How can anyone even think they could beat our Hoseok?!" A girl screamed out, gaining a few questioning choruses of yeah's. Once agin, Mark started speaking on the mic.

"Yes, yes we know guys, but lets give the dude a chance yeah?" Mark spoke, trying to hold in his laughter. The room fell quiet and  a few disapproving answers were heard.

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