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leon ålhberg

" when did i become so numb? / when did i lose myself? / all the words that leave my tongue / feel like they came from someone else / i'm paralyzed / where are my feelings? / i no longer feel things / i know i should / i'm paralyzed / where is the real me? / i'm lost and it kills me inside / i'm paralyzed "

" i'm a goner, somebody catch my breath / i wanna be known by you / though i'm weak and beaten down, i'll slip away into this sound / the ghost of you is close to me, i'm inside out, you're underneath / i've got two faces, blurry's the one i'm not / i need your help to take him out / don't let me be gone / don't let me be / i'm a goner, somebody catch my breath / i wanna be known by you / i wanna be known by you "

" i'm a goner, somebody catch my breath / i wanna be known by you / though i'm weak and beaten down, i'll slip away into this sound / the ghost of you is close to me, i'm inside out, you're underneath / i've got two faces, blurry's the one i'm not...

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( onneton sekoitus surumielisyyttä, välinpitämättömyyttä ja loputonta synkkyyttä. ottaa asiat aina astetta liian tosissaan ja satuttaa aina lopulta itsensä. sisällä ei muuta kuin katkenneita rautalankoja ja mustaa pimeyttä. kasvanut tiedostamattoman tietoisesti veljensä varjossa ja siitä voi syyttää niin vanhempia kuin melankolisuuteen ja riittämättömyyden tunteeseen taipuvaisia geenejä. )


noel åhlberg

" red bull in my hands / feels like i got wings / lot of people in my face / but i can't hear a thing / it's like my head's up in the clouds / head's up in the clouds / and i ain't comin' down, no / just turn the music on / just let me get lost / i swear that imma lose it if somebody turns it off / what are you out your mind? / you must be out your mind / just turn the music up "

" they say 'stay in your lane, boy' / but we go where we want to / they think this thing is a highway / but will they be alive tomorrow? / if it was our way we'd have a tempo change every other time change 'cause our minds change on what we think is good, i wasn't raised in the hood / if you get in between someone i love and me you're gonna feel the heat of my cavalry / all these songs i'm hearing are so heartless / don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless "

" they say 'stay in your lane, boy' / but we go where we want to / they think this thing is a highway / but will they be alive tomorrow? / if it was our way we'd have a tempo change every other time change 'cause our minds change on what we think ...

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( niin kiiltäväksi hiottu koriste, että sitä luulee jo illuusioksi. niin täydellisesti piirretty kiiltokuva, reunoiltaan niin eheä, että se tekee jo epätäydelliseksi. kaikkea mitä pojat haluavat olla ja mitä tytöt haluavat saada. paras jalkapallossa, paras koululiikunnassa, paras kemiassa, biologiassa, matematiikassa, ja lista jatkuu... kolikosta se kauniimpi ja puhtaampi puoli, se, joka on aina näkyvissä. )


freia mustonen

" darling, darling, doesn't have a problem / lying to herself 'cause her liquor's top shelf / it's alarming honestly how charming she can be / fooling everyone, telling them she's having fun / she says "you don't want to be like me / don't wanna see all the things i've seen" / i'm dying, i'm dying / she says "you don't want to get this way / famous and dumb at and early age / lying, i'm lying" / the boys, the girls / they all like carmen / she gives them butterflies, bats her cartoon eyes / she laughs like god / her mind's like a diamond / buy her tonight / she's still shining / like lightning "

" love will never be forever / feelings are just like the weather / january to december / do you wanna be a member? / lonely hearts club / do you want to be with somebody like me? "

" love will never be forever / feelings are just like the weather / january to december / do you wanna be a member? / lonely hearts club / do you want to be with somebody like me? "

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( puhuu liikaa tai liian vähän, on liian tunteellinen tai liian tunteeton. ottaa asiat liian tosissaan tai ei lainkaan tarpeeksi tosissaan. ajattelee liikaa tai ei ajattele ollenkaan. epäsovinnaisella tavalla kaunis, kalpea haamu joka ei puhu itsestään. tavaramerkkejä käsikorut ja tummat silmämeikit, jotka korostavat haurasta melankolisuutta. tarpeeksi tyhjä teeskentelemään tunteita, joita ei oikeasti tunne. arvaamaton ja ehkä juuri siksi niin kiehtova. )

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