Chapter 3

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I woke up, and looked at the time, 3 am. Why am I up? I don’t want to be up. I want to sleep and never wake up.

I was about to call Dawn, but then I remembered that this was still the same night, and she was probably still drunk, or asleep, so I decided to call Collin, to tell him about what happened. He picked up on the second ring, and asked if I was okay. I asked him to come meet me, and he said that he was cleaning up. I asked if I could help and he said, sure.

I ran to my closet so I could change my clothes. I slipped off my pajamas and put on some light wash jean shorts and a random t shirt. I put my hair up into a ponytail.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed Mom’s keys. (My car was being repaired, since it had broken down twice in one month.) I put the key into the ignition and the car roared to life. I backed out of the driveway, and after reaching Picket Drive, I had to call him for directions. (Turns out he does live on Picket Drive.)

I rang his doorbell and he opened it with a wide grin. “Come in, Mrs. Jacobs.” He gestured for me to walk in, and I did. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He was shirtless and was wearing some sweatpants. His six pack clearly visible.

“I…couldn’t sleep.” That wasn’t a total lie, I really couldn’t. 

“You seemed pretty tired earlier. You basically fainted as soon as you took a seat in the car.” He laughed. He grabbed some solo cups and threw them into the black garbage bag. I picked up some cups and threw them inside also.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” I picked up some more cups, “when you dropped me off, was there someone there, at the door, or something?” I looked at him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“What’re you talking about? I didn’t drop you off. Hunter did.” I stopped picking up cups and looked up at him. He was smiling, like he always does. His dirty blonde hair was short and messy. His eyebrows were extremely bushy, but it looked good.

“But, wait, what?” I was super confused.

“Yeah. When you fell asleep, Hunter said he should take you home, just incase you didn’t feel well and had to carry you inside. Plus, if your sister saw, she would be freaking out if she saw some random guy carrying you.” He laughed and continued to clean up. I nodded.

Then this means, Hunter…no, no, no. That’s not possible. Maybe there was someone else there. Maybe…I don’t even know. Now I have to talk to Hunter.

“Oh. Well, something happened,” I said. He stopped cleaning and looked at me, worried.

“What’s wrong?” He walked towards me, and I sat down on the couch and he took a seat right next to me. I was looking down, but he looked straight at me.

“My sister, Audrey, is dead. You’re a suspect.” I said as less-detailed as I could. I looked up and he was confused.

“What? I don’t understand. How did this happen, and why am I a suspect?” He was waving his arms around as he talked.

“My sister was murdered. And, this whole night I was being interrogated by a police officer. At first they thought it was me, but when I told them my story, they realized I was drugged. Someone drugged me, Collin, and they think it was you.” 

“What the heck? How’d that happen? Tonight? And why would they think it was me? I didn’t do anything!” He began to get defensive.

“‘Cause, you handed me the glass of water.” I said lightly.

“I poured you the glass of water out of the cooler, just like I’ve been doing for myself the whole night!” He put his hands in his head, obviously frustrated.

“I know, I told them that you would never do that. But they think you did. Look, they’re going to interview you, but if your innocent, then they can’t take you to jail. It’ll be fine.” I squeezed his shoulder, comforting him, even though it should’ve been the other way around.

“This is not happening. Please tell me that your joking with me.” He looked me in the eyes, and it hurt me to shake my head no. He quickly shot up. He looked angry. “You should go.” He said, avoiding eye contact.

“But, how are you going to clean this up?” I asked standing up.

“I’ll figure it out!” he sighed and took a deep breath, “sorry, just go. I need time to process this.” I nodded and opened the door to leave.

I was about to walk out, but I stopped and turned back, “for anything, I think your innocent,” I smiled and he lightly smiled back, but it wasn’t his usual ‘happy’ smile. I walked out and closed the door behind me, and rushed to my car.


A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!! So, she told Collin he was a suspect. Who do you guys think commited this crime? Is it someone we've introduced yet or someone else? Did she do it? Is Collin secretly gay? Jk, but all great questions. LOVE YOU GUYS <3

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