Xanxus x SMR

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Welcome to the update, this one was requested by fansize. Enjoy the story.

3rd POV

Y/n was sitting in his office with his legs on the desk. He was reading the documents regarding the new weapons. Last week they made some tests and now he had to read the reports before he presented the results to the head of the Varia.

-This is complete bullshit. – he sighed.

Y/n called one of the guards and told him to give the report back to its author, so he could rewrite it. Y/n always hated when he had to read something with a lot of mistakes. Once he killed the other member of Varia with a vocabulary book because of the mistakes in the report. He was always impulsive and everything had to go as he planned. He was doing all he could to make Xanxus pleased with his work.

-I need a drink. – he muttered and poured some whiskey in the glass. He took a sip and rubbed his temple.

Suddenly the door opened loudly making Y/n feel another wave of anger coming his way. He was ready to yell at the intruder, when he noticed it was Xanxus. He was looking at Y/n with his arms crossed against his chest.

-Can you tell me who cut Belphegor's hair? – he glared at his second in command. Y/n only shrugged innocently in response.

-I don't know what you're talking about. – he said with a small smile. Xanxus knew it all too well.

-As always. – he said and glared at him more.

-No one told him to take my sweets away. – said Y/n and emptied the glass.

-You act like a kid!

-You still adore me. – smirked Y/n and left his office without looking back at Xanxus.

Time skip

Xanxus was thinking over his conversation with Y/n and the strange feeling in his chest when he said the last words before he left. He was thinking about Y/n all the time lately. Xanxus always considered him handsome, especially when he was wearing a suit. He was fierce and stubborn.

-What is this feeling? – he murmured.

-Xanxus! Save me! – yelled Y/n and ran behind him. – Belphegor wants to kill me.

-For what?

-Someone told him I cut his hair. – he said and hugged him from behind. – Help me!

Xanxus widened his eyes and blushed lightly at the closure. He tensed at first and was ready to push Y/n away when he realized he didn't want him to let go. Xanxus felt comfortable with Y/n like this. The moment was broken by Belphegor running in the room.

-Y/n, prepare to die! – yelled Belphegor charging at him.

-Belphegor stop where you are. – said Xanxus calmly making Belphegor calm down. – Don't touch him.


-Leave. – said Xanxus glaring at him.

Belphegor huffed and did what he was told. Xanxus sighed and tried to move in Y/n's arms, but his iron grip made it impossible.

-You can let me go now. – he said.

-I don't wanna. – he whined.


-Fine. – he whined again and let go of him. – Thanks. – he added before he left. Xanxus saw something in his eyes. But it was there just for a second, so he thought it was just his imagination.

Time skip

Xanxus and Y/n were in the restaurant, getting the money from the owner. He was delaying the payments and the boss of the family sent them there to scare him a bit and fix the problem. Y/n went a little too harsh on him, to the point where the owner gave them all the money and offered them a free dinner, just to calm him down.

The leader of Varia was thinking of something different though. He felt uneasy around Y/n, especially then they were sitting in front of each other in a fancy restaurant. Xanxus realized what was the feeling that was bothering him all the time when he was around Y/n. He was starting to fall in love.

-Here you are gentlemen. – said the waiter. He winked at Y/n and brushed his fingers on his forearm. Y/n looked at him with blank face and smiled lightly.

-May I help you? – he asked in low voice.

-Would you like some desert after dinner? In private? – he leaned closer to Y/n saying the last part. Xanxus's blood boiled in his veins.

-Don't you dare to touch him. – growled Xanxus and gripped the waiter's collar. He pulled him out of the restaurant and punched him hard in the face. – How dare you flirt with him in front of me? He's mine!

Then he went back in the restaurant and sat at the table.

-What was it all about? – asked Y/n.

-Nothing, eat your food. – he said and started eating as well.

-Were you jealous?

Xanxus choked on his food.

-What?! Why would I? – Y/n smirked before he answered.

-Because I heard you last night~ I was getting my midnight snack and I walked next to your room. I have to say it was quite arousing hearing you moaning my name like that~

Xanxus blushed deep red at his words and the memories from the night before.

-Fine, I love you.– Xanxus snapped at Y/n. - Are you happy now?

-More than you think. – smirked Y/n and kissed Xanxus without a warning. He didn't let him pull away until they both needed to catch their breaths.

-I love you too Xanxus.

One shots vol. IV (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now