Yoonminkook part 1

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*Jimins POV*  (It'll always be ^^')

I was sitting on the couch, looking down on my mobile. Should I text him or not? Should I really do this? Is it right?

Such thoughts weren't giving me peace. I needed some stress releaser...but would it be right to use my bestfriend to forget about the stress? It's only for once. If it's only for once than its okay, right? I took my mobile phone and picked out a number. Without further thoughts, I just went for it.

Me:  Hyung, do you have time right now?

 Jungkook's coming over,why?  :Yoongi-Hyung

Me:  'kay. Will be right there.

Wait! Why? What's wrong?!  :Yoongi-Hyung

Without looking at the message I stood up from my couch and took my black jacked.

After good five minutes I arrived at Yoongi's place and made my way upstairs, until I reached his apartment, where I actuated the bell. Some seconds passed and I heard footsteps come closer. The door opened and a blonde men looked right at me, curious about why actually I came. I just smiled wickedly and pushed myself past him to get to the living room. There I've got rid of my jacket and once again faced the older one, after he closed the door and entered the living room as well. ,,Soo. Why are you here jimin?"

As he had got no answer he came a bit closer. ,,Is something wrong?" In his voice swayed anxiety, his eyes searched in mine for some kind of approval. We just stood there, looking into each others eyes, not saying anything. My gaze wandered down to his pinkish lips. Within seconds I grabbed him by his collar and let our lips collide. It was a passionate kiss and to my surprise he kissed back immediately. I took his both hands and started to move backwards with him. As the couch hit the back of my leg,I spun us over without breaking the kiss and layed him down,his hands pinned over his head. We broke the kiss, because of the lack of oxygen. His warm breath hit my lips and tickled the soft skin of mines. A dark red tinte sneaked on to his cheeks and his eyes darkend into a deeper shade of brown. His lips were red and swollen because of the make-out session we had. A well-known feeling started to boil in my stomach. I took both of his wrists in one hand and slide with the tips of my fingers of the other Hand over his sensitive armes down to his neck. ,,May I?",I asked with a raspy voice, not taking a no as an answer. Nothing came from his beautiful mouth. My knee slide carefully up until it brushed his crotch gently. A deep groan escaped his slightly parted lips, while he through his head back lightly. Taking this advantage, I let my lips ghost over the white skin on his neck earning a soft gasp from him. My hand sneaked under his shirt and glide over every inch of his soft skin. The urge to do more was growing bigger every second I got to touch him. ,,Hyung....you have to stop me",I whispered into his ear, while my hands started to strip his shirt down. ,,D-Don't

...", a moan left his lips before he could end the sentence. I halted in my actions and looked deep into his eyes. ,,Don't what?" His eyes were glassy of lust and carved for more. ,,don't stop",his hand gripped my neck firmly and pushed me down, until our lips crashed down roughly and molt into each other. Our movements more hazy and hot as before. His fingers were digging my hair lightly, which drew a moan out of the deepest point in my throat. First thing on the floor was his shirt, followed by my black cardigan. We totally forgot about Jungkook. Just when he entered the living room, we stopped our actions and looked up. His face automatically turned red when he understood, what he interrupted. Shock was written all over his forehead. On perplex I moved away from the older laying under me, who straightened himself up right after. The black backpack lingered around Jungkook's wide shoulder, glide his arm down until it met the beige carpet which covers the wooden floor. His now out of shock widened eyes were still locked on us. I expected him to get nervous and to leave or at least to try. But it came different. The redness on his cheeks disappeared in a split second as well as the shock which was replaced with anger the same minute. I wanted to react but I was stopped by his words. ,,Enough now'' His hard gaze wandered from me to Yoongi and back. ,,Don't use Yoongi-Hyung to feel better'' With a smooth move he picked Yoongi's shirt up from the floor and gave it to him. Then his eyes locked with mine again. ,,I know that you'll never love me. But I love you and I'm ready to take every position to get as much of you as possible'' ,,Excuse me!?'', was all I've got out of me. His words had made me feel so many emotions at the same time, that it was not healthy anymore. Before he could get closer to the couch as he already was, I got up and mustered him with a strict face. ,,You don't know what you're saying. Get your hormones together boi''. I was shocked from the words leaving my mouth but I kept the strict shield up. Before I could continue reading the Riot act, he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me against his chest. Next thing I realized were his soft lips pressed against my already kiss-swollen one. They were trying to draw me in with their warm, caressing movements. Just when I was about to give in, the realization of what was happening hit me and I broke the kiss. ,,Jungkook you baegchi (idiot)!'' My fist met his muscular chest without a reaction of the later. The youngers half-lidded eyes were still focused on my lips. ,,I'm not the one who should've get your first kiss!'' I took a step backwards to keep a appropriated distance between us. The distance seemed to bring him back to reality. The raven haired lifted his gaze to meet mine. ,,Why shouldn't I give my first kiss to the one I love?'' I wanted to replay but after the end of his sentence I couldn't find the right words. ,,You were my first everything. My first friend, my first brotherly bestfriend, my first crush, my first love and my first kiss'' with his last words his gaze wandered down to focus on my lips again. ,,Jungkook-ah...'' ,,Just be my first time already!'' With that I found myself again in his arms but before our lips could connect again, my chin was lifted from behind me and I got to taste another pair of lips from the person I nearly forgot to be present. Unfortunately the position gave Yoongi the opportunity to glide his tongue into my mouth and dominate me which wasn't planned. Jungkook took the advantage to attack my neck with kisses and leave hickeys on some parts. A deep moan escaped me when he found my sweet spot but it was muffled by Yoongi's mouth. The youngers hands found their way to my butt and squeezed it lightly. Eventually I gave up after this action and relaxed, enjoying their touches. With a swift move the Maknae circelled me around so that my back faced him. Yoongi released my lips and started to leave open-mouth kisses on my neck as well as Jungkook did it from the other side. Their hands were touching me everywhere.

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