Flying above your probelms

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Peter was nervous to say the least. Four complete strangers appeared out of nowhere at his house and now he and Bucky were being taken with them to their secret base or something? Peter wasn't sure what exactly was happening other than he was freaking out. His spider senses weren't sensing danger, but that made Peter all the more nervous. He thought that Bucky was too okay with this.

The four strangers led Peter to a large vehicle. Language learning told him this was an airplane. He knew HYDRA had some, which certainly didn't help the situation. Peter's nervous feeling spiked when they began emabarking on this piece of flying metal. Peter may have been almost nine years old, but he had never flown before. It wasn't an exciting experience, it was a terrifying one.

"I don't like this." Peter whispered to Bucky. He was clasping the larger man's hand so hard it was turning purple. Bucky didn't seem to mind, or at least he pretended not to mind.

"Are you sure about this, Buck? I can always break us away from them. I don't mind running, honest." Peter pleaded. In the past few months he had gotten much more fluent in speaking because he knew words he wasn't just using for combative purposes.

"Hey, Pete. Running away from our problems isn't going to solve them. How about we make a deal?" Bucky began. He stopped walking and crouched down to make eye level with the child.

In English Bucky called out to the strangers to wait. Peter was familiar with that word even in the facility. "Okay. We can try staying with these people for a few weeks. See how it goes. If you feel uncomfortable or if they try to hurt us, we will get out of there so fast you won't blink in time." Peter smiled at that image. "But you've got to give it a try. For me, pal?"

Of course, Peter couldn't say no. I mean the man was practically on his knees begging. He was bending so low to reach the boy it wasn't even a figure or speech.

"We can try I guess."

Bucky was good to Peter on the strange mechanical tube floating through the clouds. Peter would look out of the window and see the ocean far far below. It made him feel a million feet tall, which was cool. "Buck! Look outside the boats are tiny!" Peter gasped. He didn't think he'd enjoy looking out the window, but a part of him was distracted from the fear when he saw a little boat go by when he knew very well it was a huge boat.

Bucky tensed up a lot during the eight and a half hour flight. He would close his eyes and breathe deeply. At one point of major turbulence, Bucky seemed to start freaking out. He was panting and swaying like he had a flashback again.

Peter was familiar with the "attacks" Bucky would get. Bucky had lots and lots of bad memories. Most of the time Bucky would get nervous after a bad dream. He saw things he wish he hadn't.

On the rare occasion Bucky would get nervous by things. Sometimes a sound, smell, or place would make Bucky remember a glimpse of a memory. Either one of two reactions ensued, Peter began to learn. Bucky felt remorse and longing, he would wish he saw more of the memory. Somethings made Bucky cry with pain. Peter didn't like those attacks. Bucky would remember something awful and it would make Peter feel awful. Bucky never wanted to make Peter feel awful, but Peter really did care for the only real person to care for him.

"It's okay, Buck. You don't need to be scared."

The blonde guy seemed to Norve Bucky was having a bit of trouble. All the other people on the plane looked over. It made Peter feel very nervous. He didn't want them to hurt Bucky. The larger man was vulnerable and the last thing he needed was people trying to hurt him.

"Bucky? Are you alright?" Steve, Peter recalled him being referred to as, said.
"Don't hurt him. He's upset about a memory. This happens. He said that when it does to walk away. He doesn't like it when I see him upset." Peter tried to reply calmly. Usually Peter would sit within viability range so Bucky wasn't lonely, but he knew he needed space.

"Is he having a panic attack?" The woman with the red hair whispered. Her tone sounded like she cared, but Peter was never quite sure.

The man with the facial hair stepped in.  He and the man with the glasses seemed to know what they were doing. Peter watched intensely to make sure they didn't hurt Bucky in any way.

"Hey, kid, why don't we go over here?" Red hair lady coaxed. She noticed the tension in the area and wanted Peter to get away from it. Peter really didn't want to leave Bucky, but the Winter Solider nodded through his panting.

"Peter, right?" The red haired woman asked. Peter nodded at her, but his attention was not in the conversation. She switched the language to Russian, which caught Peter off guard. She had spoken in Russian earlier that day, but he wasn't really thinking about that in the moment. "I'm Natasha Romanov. You speak Russian, don't you?"

Peter looked up at the calm face of Natasha. Peter didn't know many women. Most people at the facility were men. The few women Peter were familiar with were a few doctors and some of the neighbors from the places he and Bucky had stayed. Natasha seemed different from them. She had gentle eyes that seemed genuinely present for Peter. Being near Natasha made him relax a little. It helped that she was speaking a language he could speak more fluently.

"Mostly. It's where I grew up. I can speak loads of different things, just not super well. You don't learn about much vocabulary in a single room." Peter replied. He tried to make it seem like it was no big deal, but the far Natasha made after Peter said this made the young boy question how nonchalant that was.

"Where are you from? If you don't mind me asking, that is." Peter hadn't really heard someone ask somethings o politely. Bucky didn't ask a lot of questions. He just went with things. Doctors asked too many. The prodded Peter for information and Peter had to obey.

"The lab. Bucky and I used to live there. Then we decided not to and we left." Peter fiddled with his fingers. He pulled at them and picked at his fingernails. He didn't know what the right answers were supposed to be, and he hoped he wasn't answering anything wrong.

"I see." Natasha reasoned. She seemed deep in thought. "Where are you from, Natasha?" Peter asked. He didn't seem harm in the question, but the woman tensed. "Lots of places." She replied. It was vague and left a sense of mystery to the woman, but that ended the conversation.

Bucky was better. He seemed to be talked down by the other strangers. Steve stayed next to him the next few hours. Peter didn't reply mind. Well, he minded a little. He wasn't used to so many people, especially people who were hanging around his Bucky. Peter felt a weird emotion. He was a little mad that Steve took the chair next to Bucky and Bucky's hand. He wanted those.

Peter kept to himself by looking at the clouds. They seemed so different looking down at them. It was fascinating to the boy. Distracting, really.

Peter didn't even remember the plane landing. He wasn't sure what was happening until there was a feeling in his stomach like he was going to puke. It gave him a bad taste in his mouth: there were too many memories tied with that feeling. The plane jerked as it touched down on the ground and Peter involuntarily pushed back in his seat.

Peter felt faster than light. He knew scientifically that wasn't possible, but after the year he had anything was possible. Heck, even his past 24 hours seemed surreal. Being discovered by foreign "super-hero's" with a mission to help him and Bucky and not wanting to send them back to the facility? Before that day Peter would have thought the speed of light seemed more realistic.

Bucky and Peter stepped down the staircase of the jet on to a runway. In the distance, Peter saw mountains unlike any he had seen. Peter had been told what cities were. He had been to Saint Petersburg and Moscow. This was different, though. This city felt like a science fiction book. It was unlike any landscape the nearly nine year old had ever seen. Tall buildings lined the skyline behind him, miles and miles of man's creation.

"Well then," Tony, Peter had learned, said as he fixed his jacket. "Welcome to New York City, I guess."

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