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after what seemed like endless waiting, it was finally friday. mine and ella's first date. to say i was nervous was a understatement, i don't know why I'm nervous, i never usually am on dates. but i guess you could say i felt different when it came to ella.

i took her to a common date restraunt on 12th avenue. i guess i could've been more creative with my date choices but i didn't want to mess anything up, so i took the easy way. she looked different then she did at the bonfire, different in a good way. i noticed something i didn't before, her eyes were 2 different colors one green and the other brown. she wore a little light blue dress and knee socks. i loved her knee socks.

it was very easy talking to ella. odd enough i let her in, i let her in because she was just as broken as i was, i wanted to fix her more than i wanted her to fix me. i was scared, but i wanted us to work, i wanted ella and i to be.

we talked about our childhoods, our fears, and our secrets. i learned ella was short for eloise, i learned her favorite ice cream was just vanilla, i learned that she was afraid of being alone, and i learned that her favorite place to be was the beach.

i walked her to her house, debating if i should ask her out again or not. why? i don't know it was pretty obvious i did.

we stopped right outside her front door. i cleared my throat "ella, i was..i was wondering if you..you know would like to be my-" i was cut off before i could finish "of course, harry" ella smiled her mona lisa smile. i smiled wide "well can i take you out again, anytime is fine..I'm not a busy person" i scratched the back of my neck. ella placed her hand on my chest, of course my heart beat quickened. "I'm not a busy person either, you can come by tomorrow if you want" she got on her tip toes her lips getting closer to mine "now harry, are you not going to kiss me?" and i answered with a kiss.


i feel like this chap sucked and it was short i sowwy

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