Chapter 13

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"Jesus Christ, I've heard of the term 'go fuck yourself', but this is going too far," said 17 as 18 hit him over the head

"You idiot, I think it's cute that she has a crush on herself," said 18

"I don't care what either of you think, it's just... strange!" said Dr. Gero

"Well, Lincoln, what do you say?" asked Linka

"Uh, w-well, c-can we talk about this w-when we get home?" asked Lincoln

"Okay," said Linka as they just stared at her while she went back to eating

"Nice job dodging the bullet," said 17

"Oh trust me, it'll ricochet back at me," said Lincoln as he took another bite of his burger

"Now wait one minute, are you denying my sisters' love?!" asked Lynn as he walked back up to them

"I-I'm not denying anything, I just find it... inappropriate at the current time," said Lincoln with a blush

"Well guess what buster, you better accept or else I'll punch your lights ou-" was all Lynn had managed to say before he found a fist in his stomach. He coughed up saliva as he saw that the fist belonged to Lincoln "H-how did you-"

"I would advise you be quiet, I have no problem killing you, now lay down," said Lincoln as he brought down his fist on Lynns' head and slammed him into the ground, knocking him out "anyone else? Good, now are you all done?"

"Yeah, I'm stuffed," said Linka

"My energy levels have been restored," said 16

"Yeah, I'm going to go get a head start," said 17 as he walked out of the building

"I'm done," said 18

"That was actually pretty good, but I'm just an old man that's lived in the woods for years what do I know," said Dr. Gero

"Then we best be going, I don't want to keep Hit waiting," said Lincoln as they started to walk away

"Wait, Linka, where are you going?" asked Loki

"Oh, I'm going home of course," she replied

"B-but your home is with us," said Loki

"Umm, no it's not, home is somewhere where you feel safe and accepted, not bullied and talked down upon," said Linka

"W-what are you talking about, dude?" asked Luke

"Tell me, when you got home, did you see a cut rope in hanging from the tree?" asked Linka with a smile

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" asked Lane

"Oh it has a lot to do with what's going on, considering that I tried to commit suicide," said Linka in a serious tone, but still keeping her smile

"W-wait, you tried to commit suicide?" asked Lars

"Yes, do you wish to know why?" asked Linka

"P-please," asked Loki

"It's simple... I'm tired of being a helpless, useless girl! I wanted to be independent and I wanted to be seen as an equal! I wanted to be loved, but you all took that away from me!" said Linka as tears started to form in her eyes

"W-what are you talking about, of course, we lo-" started Loki before he was interrupted

"LATER BITCHES! WHOOO!" shouted 17 as he drove away in the Vanzilla

"DAMN IT, 17!" shouted 18 as she flew after him

"Linka, we have to go," said Lincoln as he put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder

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