New Threats

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It's been a few years since the Vandle Savage incident, Zatana and Rocket have become members of the league, Dick has become Nightwing, Barbra joined the team, Red Robin died in battle, Walley and Artemis retired, Superboy and Megan are no longer dating, and Kalder betrayed us. He found out that his dad is Black Manta and decided to go work for him, and me, well, I've been on the run from the Light since Aqualad changed sides. While Fate was under the control of Savage, he undid his magic, and I've had to live on the run. I faked my death, sort of, and now here I am. Running through the snow covered streets of Russia, how'd I get here? Well, a few years ago we went on a mission, and I almost lost my life.


"Robin, we have to get out of here now! This building is coming down on us." Robin looks around and is exhasparated, I see Walley and Artemis fighting off Aqualad.

"Blue J, we cant leave. He betrayed us!"

"Robin, you are going to get us all killed!!!!" I run past him and start to fight Aqualad, I have Walley and Artemis drag a protesting Robin away.

"Blue J, come on!"

"I'll get out another way, you guys get out of here now!!!!" I see Aqualad has mixed emotions about this, but parts of the ceiling collapse and then Robin KF and Artemis dissapear.

"Kalder, why?"

"You wouldn't understand. This is my destiny, my father is a villain so thats what I am destined to become." I stare at the person I've looked up to since I joined the team.

"We all trusted you, and this is how you repay us? Kalder, you where like another brother to me! How could you turn your back on the people who have accepted you?"

"Like I said, you wouldn't understand." I loose it at that.

"What wouldn't I Understand? I was experimented on by Cadmus, I'm a ticking bomb! I can loose control at any second and end up killing everyone I care for! It's you who dosen't understand Aqualad! You don't have to follow your fathers footsteps, Artemis didn't, I haven't let those experiments control me! We stood by you, we trusted you! How did you become like this?" Tears are streaming down my face, and I can see that I might be getting our Aqualad back.

"How pathetic, the words of this little girl sway you so easily. Kalder, you are weak, I will take out that weakness even if it means killing this girl!" I look and see Black Manta has shot rocket at me, I'm thrown backwards, and I'm now dangling over the edge of the platform we are on. Below me is raging fires, and a lot of fallen metal. I look up and see Kalder above be, shock on his face, tears are streaming down his face, Black Manta looks smug. I look back at Aqualad.

"Jane, I'm so sorry." He closes his eyes, and looks down into his hands, then I sigh and utter words that changed everything.

"So am I." Kalder looks at me in shock, right as I let go and plummeted to my death. I embraced the flames, but right as I did, Fate's spell totally shattered. All my real memories hit me like a flood, I hear Robin screaming, KF and Artemis are to, but then everything goes black right as I'm buried by falling metal and fire.

I woke up covered in metal, and I was sore all over after that. I think my super healing kept me alive, I have some scars from that day, but I was left there in that wreckage. I promised Dick that I'd meet him, I said that I would go back to him, but I haven't. I only know what I do about the team from what information I see on the news or what I manage to hack when I find a computer. This is how I know that when I woke up, it had been a week since I fell, a week since Kalder truly joined his father. I saw the funeral procession the League held for me, Dick was crying hard. After that event, Dick became Nightwing. Whenever I can, I try to leave clues for the team to find so they can find me. So far no one has been looking, I've been debating weather or not I should hack Dick's stuff and send him something so he can start the search. But back to the present, I'm currently in Russia trying to run from the Light, they have sent Thalia and someone else after me. Luckily I can loose them, bad news it's because I lost my hearing aids and contact lenses over a year ago. I sigh as I slip into a public library, I can do this because of my photographic memory and ability to learn foreign languages in minutes. I slip to the computer terminal, I have a few minutes till I have to leave and start running again.

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