Chapter 5: Date

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"Are you sleepy?" Lucas asked.

"Umm... A little bit." You answered.

That was the last thing you said before you fell asleep in Lucas' arms.

"I hope you know that i like you and i want to be your boyfriend. I'm too shy to tell you when you are up." You heard someone say.

-- In the morning --

"Good morning beatiful. It's 10.30AM." Lucas said while trying to wake you up.

"Yeah yeah." You answered.

"Y/N wake up~" Lucas wispered to your ear.

"5 more minutes please." You said.

"Fine." Lucas said and left.

5 minutes passed and Lucas came back.

"Y/N wake up." He said while kissing your cheek. This woke you up.

"Lucas what the hell?" You asked.

"You were not waking up so it was the only option i had." Lucas said and smiled.

"IT WASN'T THE ONLY OPTION YOU HAD." You yelled at him.

"I'M SORRY." He said and ran out of the room when you started chasing him.

"Y/N, please can we stop now. I'm getting really tired because you will never catch me." Lucas said.

"Okay." You said and stoped at the kitchen.

"Where did all of your friends and Renjun go?" You asked.

"They left at 9AM. I don't know where they went." Lucas said and started making breakfast for you.

"What do you want to do today?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know." You said

"Do you want to go on a date?" Lucas asked while placing a plate full of food in front of you.

"What?" You said while choking on your water.

"I asked if you wanted go on a date with me." Lucas said and smiled.

"But-" you were saying but Lucas cutted you off.

"I know, okay? We are not supposed to go on a date because we are stepsiblings but i can't stop liking you." Lucas said and you were in shook.

"Umm... Okay." You said and started eating.

After sometime you finished and got ready to go out. Lucas was waiting for you downstairs.

"Wow you look beautiful." Lucas said as you were walking downstairs.

"Thanks." You said and blushed.

"Shall we go?" Lucas said.

"Sure." You said and walked out.

You and Lucas started walking towards the mall. Once you got there you saw a jewelry shop. You walked inside the shop and looked around.

"Woow this one is really beautiful." You said and looked at the necklace.

"It's just as beautiful as you are." Lucas said and smiled.

"Excuse me, I will take this one." Lucas said and pointed at the necklace you wanted.

"Okay." The seller said and picked up the necklace.

After Lucas paid for the necklace he put it on you.

"Beautiful." He said.

"Thank you Lucas." You said.

"Are you hungry? Lucas asked.

"Kind of." You said.

"Okay." Lucas said and took your hand. He started walking towards the Burger King.

"So what do you want to eat?" Lucas asked.

"A Long chicken meal." You said and smiled.

"Okay." Lucas said and smiled back to you.

After Lucas paid and you and him got your food, you sat down with him. You started eating and talking about random things with Lucas. You were having so much fun that you didn't notice that someone very familiar steped inside the Burger King with his friends.

Unknowns p.o.v

I steped inside of the Burger King with my friends. I noticed someone very familiar sitting on one of the tables. I walked closer and I realized it was Y/N. She was with a guy? Is that...Lucas? What are they doing here? They are having so much fun together. I hate it. I should be there in Lucas' place laughing with her. I should be the one who makes her smile like that. Why am i feeling like this?

My thoughts were interrupted by Y/N yelling for me.

"Hey Renjun!"

My stepbrother | NCT Lucas x reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now