Chapter 15: Good morning

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It was the day after your birthday party. You woke up to the gentle breathing hitting the side of your neck.

You opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend, Lucas sleeping next to you.

You kissed his cheek and got up. As you were trying to stand up, he pulled you back in to the bed and under the covers.

"Y/N please don't leave me." Lucas said as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.

"Lucas. Stop. I. Can't. Breathe." You said.

"Oh, I'm sorry babe." He said and loosened his grip around you.

"Lucas, babe, I need to take a shower." You said and got up again. You took one of Lucas' t-shirts and underwear, and went to the bathroom.

Just as you were closing the door Lucas pushed it open and said, "We should save some water and shower together." with a big smile on his face.

"EXCUSE ME? WHAT?" You yelled as Lucas closed door and locked it.

"I have seen you naked before so I don't see what's the problem here." Lucas said and took off his shirt.

"Ummm, well, hehe how 'bout no?" You said.

"C'moon Y/N please~" Lucas said with his best puppy dog eyes.

"Okay BUT you have to cook me lunch and dinner for 2 weeks." You said.

"Deal, now take off your clothes." Lucas said soon as you had finished saying that.

"WHAT?" You yelled.

"Well you can't shower with your clothes on." Lucas said pulled your shirt over your head.

"Oh yeah hehe." You said.

"Turn around so I can take off the rest of my clothes." You continued.

"Whyyyy?" Lucas said and pouted.

"Because I want to, now turn around and take your clothes off." You said and turned him around.

"Okay babe." He said and started taking off his clothes.

As you were taking your underwear off, your head started to fill with thoughts of Lucas and his body. "This is the first time I'm seeing him naked. HOLY SHIT. I'm about to see him naked FOR THE FIRST TIME."

Your body filled with excitement and it was getting hard to breath.

"Damn his back is sexy." You thought to yourself.

After some time you both were naked.

"Can I turn around now?" Lucas asked.

"Umm yeah sure." You said.

"Omg so beautiful." Lucas said after he had turned around.

He hugged you and you just stayed still.

A lot thoughts rushed through your head when Lucas had turned around. The biggest thought in was: "How is it even possible that someone can be that huge, AND THAT SOMEONE IS LUCAS"

"Y/N are you okay?" Lucas said and shaked a hand in front your face.

"Mhm, yeah i am." You said and smiled at him.

You turned the shower on and stepped under it.


After 15 mins you finished and stepped out of the shower with Lucas. You grabed two towels and gave one of them to Lucas. You dried yourself and put on your underwear. Lucas did the same.

My stepbrother | NCT Lucas x reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now