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"Aw, it's not all that bad!" My best friend Tionne exclaimed while looking at a pair of timberland boots.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the pair of heels I was trying on off my feet.

"Whatever, Ti you know this is some bullshit. I'm walking around with a damn babysitter." I huffed placing the shoes back in the box.

"Well, so am I! So at least you're not alone."

I gave her a side eye and kissed my teeth. Tionne and I have been friends since we were in diapers. Our fathers were bestfriends so we grew up together. Sadly, her father, my uncle Al, was gunned down a few months ago.

"Girl please, Jay is hardly a babysitter." I laughed.

"Shit, he been treating me like I'm Eli or something." She said smacking her lips.

Jay, or Jayden, and Tionne met our freshman year in highschool and had been joined at the hip ever since. I've honestly never seen a couple as cute as those two, well besides my parents. Our junior year of high school Tionne ended up getting pregnant and gave birth to my godson, Elias aka Eli. In order to afford Tionne's expensive lifestyle and a brand new baby, Jay began working for my and Tionne's fathers. Once our uncle Al passed, Jay became even more protective of Tionne (as if that were possible).

The only reason he wasn't out shopping with us is because Donald was here. He felt like there was no need for the two of them watching us, so he went back to the warehouse to handle business.

"Girl, you know he's just looking out for you. Don't act like you don't enjoy having his ass around all the time."

"Ugh, girl he works my damn nerves. I know he was busy with the game and shit before but he's all over a bitch!" She semi-yelled all dramatically, throwing her hands in the air.

I laughed at her dramatic ass antics. "Well, at least you love him. How do you think I feel being smothered by that nigga?"

Tionne tooted her lips up and playfully rolled her eyes at me. "Girl shut yo boujee ass up. Don't forget uncle was hood before, too."

I smacked my lips and gathered all my shoes I planned on purchasing today. "Do NOT remind me."

"But you gotta admit though, he is kind of cute." Tionne said looking over her shoulder at Donald who was posted up against the entrance of the store. His face held an annoyed expression and his hands were tucked into his pockets. He caught me looking at him and I quickly turned my head.

"No he isn't, he always looks like somebody stuck a dildo up his ass."

Tionne's loud ass burst out laughing in the middle of the store.

"Girl, you are a dumbass, i swear. But seriously Brittany, stop flexing. You know that man is good looking." With that, she sauntered off to the counter to pay for her items.

I took one glance at Donald before following behind her to pay for my things as well. As much as I hated to admit it, Donald was fine as hell. But, he was an asshole and there was no chance of him ever getting with me.

"Your total is $2,365." The cashier said. I took a step back to look at the numbers on the screen.

"Damn," i mumbled. "What the hell did i buy?"

I reached into my hand bag to retrieve my wallet. Once I found it, I started pulling out my black card when a long caramel arm reached over me and handed a card to the cashier. I turned around to be faced with none other than Donald. I involuntarily rolled my eyes.

"Um, excuse me? I can pay for my own shit." I said crossing my arms defiantly across my chest.

"Bit-" he stopped himself and drew his head back. The expression on his face was enough to make me wish I could retract my words. He took a deep breath before speaking again. "Man trust me, I wouldn't buy yo ass shit. Your father told me to make sure you aint spend no money today."

I instantly felt embarrassed that I'd assumed he would do anything for me. The man hated me for crying out loud.

"Oh," I mumbled before grabbing my bags off the counter and walking towards Tionne. I just knew she was gonna have some slick shit to say.

"Shut. Up." I said before she could get a word out.

Her lips turned up into a smirk and she linked her arms with mine. "That's what your ass gets." She laughed.


Looking in my mirror, not a jacker in sight!

Ice Cube's 'It Was A Good Day' blared through the club's speakers. I took a sip of my drink and started winding my hips to the beat. Somehow, Tionne managed to talk me into coming out to the club tonight. Of course I couldn't go out and enjoy myself without the company of Donald. He was currently seated on the plush love seat in the VIP section while Tionne, my other friend Aaliyah, and I were all dancing near the rail of the balcony.

"It is blowed up in here tonight!" Aaliyah said while grinding her hips to Full Force's 'Ain't My Type Of Hype'. Aaliyah and I met my sophomore year of high school. She stood about 5'6 with gorgeous vanilla skin and the prettiest big brown eyes.

I nodded my head in agreement with Aaliyah and swayed my hips to the music. "I'm about to get another shot," I yelled to Tionne and Aaliyah over the music. They both nodded and kept on dancing.

I made my way back over to our couch in the VIP section and grabbed the bottle of Crown. I knew it was unlady like to drink it straight from the bottle, but I'd had about three drinks too many and I was feeling good. I tilted the bottle back and took two shots to the head.

"Woo!" I exclaimed, slamming the bottle back down on the table. Apparently I wasn't drunk enough for the shots to start tasting like water. Just as I was about to make my way back to my girls, I locked eyes with Donald. He was slouched down on the far side of the couch with his usual snarl across his face. Just being under his gaze made me uneasy. Growing up daddy taught me to never fear anyone, but I had to admit Donald put a little fear in my heart. I would never admit that though.

"See something you like?" I don't know why the hell I said that. It had to be the alcohol talking.

Donald turned his head to the side and chuckled lowly. "Nah, see something you like?"

I smacked my teeth and crossed my arms in front of me. "Nigga please. You're the one always staring at me like you've got a problem. Something you wanna say?" This brown has seriously given me some beer muscles.

"Look Brittany, i really don't have shit to say to you. I really don't even like yo ass so your best bet is to get the hell back over there with your friends."

My eyes widened in shock. I can't believe he just handed my ass to me like that. I lifted my chin and narrowed my eyes at him. "You know what? Fuck you Donald. You don't have to like me, I don't like your ass either. I don't even know why my father assigned you to be my bodyguard. Your little scrawny stupid ass couldn't even bust a grape." I rolled my neck so hard with each word it's a wonder I didn't catch a cramp.

"Broke ass." I mumbled turning around to walk off. Before I could take two steps I felt my arm being snatched back. I turned around ready to slap the shit outta Donald. I couldn't believe he put his hands on me.

"I heard you ma," he whispered in my ear. "Broke? Nah baby, far from it." I felt a shower of money falling on top of my head. I glanced around me in embarrassment as Donald stood there smirking.
ugh, I hate making Donald be an asshole but whatever. I also hate having to make them boujee cause I hate people like that but 🙄 anyways, thanks for reading and please excuse any errors.

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