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I rolled my eyes for what felt like the 100th time and plopped down on the leather couch in front of me.

"Daddy, is all of this really necessary?" I whined, giving him my best puppy dog pout.

He nodded his head and came to sit down next to me. "Yes sweetheart, it really is," he gently rubbed my back. "I promise it won't be for long, just until things blow over."

I rolled my eyes again and stood up. I felt myself getting angrier by the second and I really just wanted to throw a fit. I crossed my arms across my chest and let out a deep sigh.

"Daddy, I'm 17 years old. There is absolutely no reason for me to have a bodyguard! I refuse to be treated like a damn child!"

I knew I lost my mind cussing at daddy like that, but he was really starting to get on my nerves. There was no reason my grown ass needed to be babysat like some 2- year-old.

"Listen here, Brittany." His loud voice boomed throughout the living room. "I've had it up to my damn ears with your back talking, and you've lost you damn mind cussing at me like you're grown. I've got motherfuckers all over this city plottin' on me and I'll be damned if I lose you next, you hear me? Now your ass is getting a bodyguard and you're going to like that shit. Either it's the bodyguard or you're moving back with me. YOU pick!"

I slowly cowered away from my father and went to sit back on the couch. I over did it by cussing at him, but I was just really annoyed with the whole bodyguard situation and he knows I hate to be yelled at.

"Okay, daddy."

Daddy sighed and made his way over to the couch and sat down next to me. "Babygirl, I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I just want you safe, you hear me?"

I nodded my head and wiped a stray tear that had fallen from my eyes. My father pulled me into his warm embrace and kissed my forehead.

Daddy ran one of the most notorious organized crime operations in New York while also being one of the biggest music producers. His shit was actually way bigger than a cartel, he was more like a fucking mob. Everyone in New York knew and feared him, except a rival out of Los Angeles. He and daddy got into it really heavy, I'm not sure of all the details, but their war resulted in my daddy losing one of his best friends and most loyal workers, my uncle Albert. Now daddy was out for blood and wanted to keep me and mama safe at all costs so he was assigning me a bodyguard.

"I know daddy, I'm sorry." I replied snuggling into him some more. "So when do I meet this babysitter?" I asked smirking.

Daddy looked at me out the corner of his eye and chuckled. "Alright smart ass, but Donald should be here any minute."

I rolled my eyes at the thought of a body guard named Donald. His name didn't even sound like he would hurt a fly, but if daddy trusted him I guess I would have to also.

Shortly after our conversation, the doorbell rang. I sat up straight and mentally prepared myself to meet the guy that would be following me around like a little lost puppy for the next few months.

"Mr. Donald Degrate," Jeffery, our butler, announced the babysitters arrival.

I glanced up to lock eyes with the boldest looking individual I'd ever seen. He stood about 6'4, he had a light caramel skin tone with a nice set of pink lips, but he was skinny as hell and had tattoos all over his body. I immediately scrunched my face up in disapproval.

I turned towards my daddy shaking my head. "Uh, daddy, I don't think this is gonna work out. Look at him." I whispered the last part careful for this Donald character not to hear me. He looked like he would beat the red off my Louboutin's if he heard me insulting him.

Daddy just shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to dap this dauntless nigga up.

"Donald, this is my babygirl Brittany, Brittany meet Donald."

I reluctantly stuck my hand out for him to shake and he stared at it for a minute as if I was the one who looked thrown away. He placed his hand in mine and nodded his head.

"Whats up?"

I looked away and bit my lip to keep from rolling my eyes. The next few months we're going to be a living hell.

"I'll leave you two to get acquainted," daddy said before walking out of the living room.

I turned back to Donald and folded my arms across my chest. Before I could even get a word out his lips turned up in a snarl and he stalked over towards me.

"I don't wanna be around your boujee ass either," he growled, pushing past me and walking out of the living room.
First chapter!!
Another book? ANOTHER BOOK?!
I know y'all has had enough of me starting these new books and not finishing the rest but in fact, we have! Case 180 is completed and we're working on the sequel!
Please excuse any errors and vote and comment, thank you! -Sam💘

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