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"DADDY!" I screamed making my way into the house. My heels clicked along the marble floor as I stomped through the hallway. "DADDY!" I yelled again, throwing open his office door. He looked up from behind his desk and held a finger up telling me to hold on.

I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited on him to finish up his phone call. After what felt like an hour he finally hung the phone up and smiled at me. "Now what can i do for my babygirl?" He asked folding his hands on top of his desk.

I crossed my arms plopping down in the seat in front of him. "Daddy I want that nigga fired!" I whined. Daddy looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"Donald? For what sweetheart?"

I rolled my eyes and smacked my lips. "What do you mean for what, daddy? He is so disrespectful and he's- he's IMPECUNIOUS for crying out loud!"

I yelled growing angrier by the second. I felt completely played at the club last night. I could not believe Donald threw money on me like I was some kind of low-life, classless stripper.

"Brittany! I did not raise you to be so judge mental. Now I know Donald is not what you're used to, but you know I was home once, babygirl. If it wasn't for me busting my ass out here you could've grown up the same way he did."

I tried to refrain from rolling my eyes by looking off to the side. As much as I didn't want to admit it daddy was right. He and mama often told me about how they grew up and how daddy basically built a drug empire from the ground up and eventually established one of the biggest organized crime operations in the south.

"But daddyyyy, last night he threw money at me!" I exclaimed. I watched as daddy's face went from compassionate to downright pissed off. I smirked to myself because I had him right where I wanted him.

"He did what?" Daddy shouted. I stood up from my seat and walked over to him.

"He threw money at me like I was some sort of classless whore, daddy." I said once again.

"I'll handle his ass."


I was sitting in my condo watching old episodes of A Different World on Netflix. My meeting with daddy earlier today went just as planned. I was more than confident he would fire Donald and it made me truly happy on the inside to know that i wouldn't have to see his face again.

I laughed out loud as I watched Jalessa go into labor as Colenel Taylor completely freaked out. Although Whitley and Dwayne were my favorite couple, I found Colonel and Jalessa to be just as adorable. Jalessa was just about to deliver the baby when my front door swung open. I sat up shocked and my eyes flew over to the front door. And there stood Donald in all his hood glory. I instantly felt my blood boil.

"What the hell are you doing in here? And who gave you a damn key?" I shouted folding my arms across my chest. This was becoming my favorite position when it involved Donald.

"I'm over here, because thanks to your cry baby ass a nigga gotta move in." He said slamming the door behind him.

I could not believe what I was hearing. There was no way daddy has given Donald a key and forced him to move in with me. I turned and walked away from Donald and snatched the phone off the sofa. I scrolled through my favorites and clicked on daddy's name. The phone rang about four times before he finally answered.

"Daddy, what is going on here? Donald just burst in here with a key saying he's moving in?" I questioned. I hear daddy chuckle on the other line.

"Yeah babygirl. I figured you two had some differences to work out and you will learn to get along. What better way that being housemates?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked at it like daddy had lost his mind. There was no way this man on the other end of the phone was my daddy.

"Daddy? Are you sick or something? Do I need to call mama? Because there is no earthly way that you are serious." Daddy simply laughed again.

"I'm deadass, babygirl. He's your bodyguard and y'all are going to learn to get along. And don't worry I whooped his ass for throwing that money at you, princess."

I don't care if daddy felt he handled Donald by fighting him, I wanted him fired and him going against my wishes pissed me off. I simply hung up the phone and threw it at the couch. I turned on my heels and stalked over to Donald.

"Listen here, you get the back bedroom. Don't touch shit that's mine in the fridge. I get the right side, you get the left. You can have no company what so ever. I don't want any of those trashy hood rats in my condo, and the living room is all mines. Basically I don't want to see you, at all. Try your best not to be here most of the time." I walked to the fridge and opened it to grab a bottle of water. Before I could even reach inside to grab it the fridge was being slammed shut.

Donald was standing in front of me with the meanest mug on his face and if I wasn't slightly afraid of him that night at the club, I surely was now. I wouldn't let him know that though. Donald looked off to the side and licked his lips before staring back down at me. I was a mere 5'6 so his 6'4 frame towered over me.

"Listen here, I'm a grown ass man and you not finna be ordering me around here like some little ass boy." I tried to walk away from him, but he placed both hands on the side of the fridge locking me in place. "I done had enough of your smart ass mouth and you thinking you're better than me. You think just cause your pops got money that you the shit, huh? You ain't shit. You're just a bitter ass spoiled lil girl that need to grow the fuck up and get some dick."

He took a step back and looked me up and down. He leaned in real close to my right ear and whispered. "That's what it is, aint it?" His lips just slightly grazed my ear and I felt myself gasps from the contact. "Yeah, that's why you're so full of yourself, ain't no nigga ever put it on your ass. But who would wanna put up with a bitch like you?"

I stared at him for a moment longer before pushing his body away from mine. Just as soon as I moved him away, he was right back in front of me with his hands gripped tightly around my waist. His lips slowly caressed my neck and his hands slid down my backside. As much as I tried to fight it, I was enjoying how he was making me feel. He gave my ass a light squeeze and made a trail of kisses back up to my ear.

"I wouldn't even give yo boujee ass the satisfaction of giving you some of this 'hood' dick. Saditty ass probably couldn't take it no way." He whispered before pulling away and walking out of the house.


Touch phones in the 90s? Whattttt?
I'm actually starting to like this mean Donald, it's not what you'd see in every Devante swing book..I'm just trying to be different.
Also, Donald is not hood at all, Brit just doesn't know that because of the way she lives and her lifestyle.
But it's fine, you're fine, I'm fine-
We're all fine. Excuse any errors please, thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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